i love you so

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"You're everything I want, but I can't deal with all your lovers"

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"You're everything I want, but I can't deal with all your lovers"

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   The light in a dim hallway flickered as heavy footsteps echoed in the background. The sound of water dripping filled the air, hitting the ground and splattering. A woman with long hair and fear in her eyes ran down the hallway, her terrified face peering over her shoulder.

   She was shoeless, her clothes torn and dirty as she ran with a limp. Blood gushed out of her leg from an open wound, the woman wincing with each step. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her eyeliner and mascara smudged. Her face was red and puffy as she continued to run, stumbling over herself as her breathing began to pick up.

   As the woman continued to run, at the end of the hall, an ax hit the ground with a thump. The metal hit the ground over and over again before sliding across, someone dragging it. It left marks on the ground as it continued to be dragged. 

   The woman reached out to a door, grabbing the handle and shaking it. Locked. She let out a worried breath, trying another door only to see that it was locked. She began to shake her head in fear as she continued to run, her wound starting to slow her down even more. She reached out to the last door, only to realize that it was locked as well.

   Her eyes went wide as she turned around to see the ax-wielding maniac approaching her. She fell, tears continuing to pour out of her eyes as she tried to plead with the man approaching her. His speed picked up as he got closer to her. She let out a scream as he towered over her.

   The man held up the ax, his finger tracing over the sharp metal as the woman continued to sob. She held her hands up, trying to beg for her life as the man brought the ax up higher and higher. The woman let out a scream as the ax was brought down on her, blood splattering the walls floor as she slumped over, completely lifeless. 

   The man dropped the ax before he wiped his face, blood staining his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair before dropping his arms, revealing his face.

   It was Spencer.

   Bella woke up with a jolt, her heart pounding as she tried to catch her breath. She brought her hands up to her eyes, only to realize that she was shaking. Her eyes were glossy as she sat up, looking over to see that it was 4 in the morning.

   Throwing the blankets off of her body, Bella climbed out of bed and put on her slippers. She rubbed her eyes and ran her fingers through her long hair before walking downstairs and to the kitchen. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water before drinking it hastily. As she went to refill it, a quiet thump sounded from behind her.

   Slowly turning around, Bella caught her breath as she stepped away from the fridge. She set the cup down on the counter before hearing footsteps. Furrowing her eyebrows, Bella stepped forward and gasped in shock, Spencer walking into the kitchen with a confused look on his face. Bella clutched her chest and took a step backward.

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