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"Running home"

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"Running home"

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   Bella stared up at the large airplane in horror. It had been 6 months since the team last stepped foot on a plane. Nerves coursed through all of them, but they were determined to be brave. They were determined to be ok and move on, despite how difficult it was going to be. 

   "You ok?" Spencer asked, holding onto Bella's hand.

   "Yeah," she nodded. "I'm ok."

   Slowly, Bella stepped onto the plane with Spencer right behind her. She forgot what it smelled like. She forgot what it was like to sit on the leathery seats and stare out the windows. This place once felt like home to her, now it felt foreign. 

   The rest of the team sat uncomfortably, knowing that they had to do this in order to move on. But it was hard, it was so hard. They buckled up and held onto their armrests, ignoring the constant thudding in their chests. 

   "Is everyone ok?" Hotch asked.

   The team slowly nodded, Bella inhaling sharply as she made herself comfortable. She let her fingers glide over the seats and the tables. These were all new tables, not the same tables that she played chess on with Spencer when she first joined the team. They weren't the same tables she would arm wrestle Derek on. They weren't the same seats she would snuggle up on, using Spencer as a huge pillow. It was all different, and that's what hurt Bella the most.

   After the team got situated, the plane began to move. The team closed their eyes, feeling the plane take off and enter the sky. Bella slowly opened her eyes and stared out in front of her. Surprisingly, the team was brave. They braced for whatever could happen, but they weren't letting fear control them. They were holding on to what they used to be. They were digging up what they once were. 

   Bella looked out the window, letting her eyes fall on the small world below her. She felt like she was flying and no one could stop her. She let out a shaky breath and turned back to Spencer, his eyes focused on the case file in his lap.

   "We're ok," Bella whispered. "All of us, we're ok."

   Spencer glanced over at her, "Of course we are, nothing breaks this team."

   With a grin, Bella turned back to look out the window and admire the sight in front of her. 

*           *            *

   Bella held onto Hotch's arm as they walked onto the crime scene, snow covering the ground as Bella attempted to remain steady in her heeled boots. In front of them laid a young girl, stab wounds marking her stomach and chest.

   "How many does this make?" Bella asked.

   "Five," Hotch answered. "All teen girls, all stabbed, all beaten."

Soaring Through the Sky - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now