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"This could be the end of everything"

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"This could be the end of everything"

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   The second Hotch and Gus caught wind of everything that was happening to Spencer, they jumped right in to help get him out. With Hotch's experience with being a prosecutor, and Gus' experience being a defense attorney, they figured that they would be a great amount of help to Spencer and Bella. 

   Hotch and Gus stayed up day and night, trying to come up with evidence that could get Spencer out of this mess. But then, the weapon that was used to kill Nadie Ramos was found. This was terrible news, both men knowing that this could be enough to take Spencer down.

   They were able to get a plea sentence for Spencer, offering him 5 to 10 years in prison if he were to plead guilty. The second Spencer heard this, he was immediately against it. He didn't want to go to prison as an innocent man. He didn't want to get out of prison with people thinking he murdered a woman. He didn't want to miss out on raising Emma. He didn't want Emma growing up thinking he was a killer. 

   Once Bella heard this, she felt torn. She felt like she was being pulled in two separate directions. Her mind was racing and she couldn't control any of her thoughts. She felt like her mind was going rogue. 

   "Spencer, just think about it," she whispered.

   "No," Spencer hissed. "Bella, how could you even suggest I take the plea?"

   She glanced up at him with glossy eyes, "It's not that I want you to, Spencer. I want to fight with everything in us to prove that you're innocent. But the--but the evidence is piling up right now. It doesn't look good."


   "Five years, Spencer. That's doable. You're young. You'll still be able to see Emma grow up. You'll be able to raise her. We can still have a life after that."

   "I won't be an FBI agent, I'd be a convicted felon. The FBI is where I belong, Bella."

   "You don't belong in prison. If you play Russian roulette with this...25 years to life, Spencer. That is a lifetime. You wouldn't be there for Emma, I'd raise her all alone. You'd miss her first day of kindergarten, you'd miss her losing her first tooth, you'd miss her learning how to ride a bike, you'd miss her prom, her graduation, her wedding...everything."

   Tears filled Spencer's eyes, "If I'm being framed, I know you all will find who did it."

   "Yes, we will, I promise. But what if we aren't able to do that this week? Or this month? Or this year? Or this...decade? We won't be able to do it before your arraignment, Spence."

   "What do I do?" Spencer cried. 

   Bella sniffled, "You do what you think is best. You're the most brilliant man I've ever known, Spencer. I trust that--I trust that you'll make the right decision."

Soaring Through the Sky - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now