in limbo

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"I was never permanent until today"

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"I was never permanent until today"

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   Bella had to turn off the TV to prevent herself from crying even harder than she already had been. Another group of girls had been attacked and killed, this time 18 girls on a school bus on their way to a basketball game. 

   Taking some Ibuprofen, Bella begged that it would be able to fight off the massive headache she had been struggling with. Everything was stressing her out. Everything was bothering her. She couldn't see her husband or children, she felt as if her life had ended abruptly. 

   She collapsed onto her bed, looking over at the dinner that she had been brought. She hadn't touched any of it, feeling as though if she ate anything then she might throw up. She was too nervous to eat. She was too sad to eat.

   It had been 4 days since she had seen Spencer and the girls. 4 days since her house caught on fire and destroyed years' worth of memories. She felt as if a part of her soul had been ripped out and stomped on. All she wanted was to go back to blue house, watch a movie with the girls, and climb into bed with Spencer. She missed everything about it. She missed his touch, she missed the feeling of his face after he had forgotten to shave for a few days, and she missed being in his arms. 

   Every single day she worried about the girls and their safety. If there was a nutjob out there murdering only girls and women, Bella only found time to worry about Emma and Ophelia's safety. She would constantly ask her bodyguards for updates, making sure that they were still ok and breathing. 

   Bella felt completely defeated by The Shadow. She had dealt with countless criminals in her lifetime. But none of them seemed to come close to the monster she was dealing with at the moment. He left no trail. He was completely invisible. He kept killing with no remorse. 

   It also didn't matter how much time had passed, Bella still couldn't move past the idea of her own father being a killer. She wondered if her mother ever knew. She wondered if her sisters ever knew. She wondered if she was just being dramatic and looking too deeply into things. Bella had tried to reflect on her childhood, attempting to remember any questionable signs her father exhibited that may have hinted at him being a killer. But, like usual, she came up completely empty. 

   Bella opened her purse and pulled out a recent photo she had taken with Spencer and the girls. They had gone to the park a couple of days after Bella told Spencer about her pregnancy. At the park was where she told the girls that they were going to have a brother or sister. Emma jumped with joy as Ophelia pouted, eventually getting over it once Bella offered her some Cheerios. 

   A laugh slipped through Bella's lips, which was a great replacement for the tears she had been experiencing all day. She pressed the photo against her chest, attempting to feel close to her family again. She just wanted to go home. She just wanted to feel warm again. She was so tired of people constantly after her for no reason. 

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