until i found you

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"I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

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"I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

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   It was raining outside on the morning of April 22, 2018. The kind of rain that made the air muggy and turned the sky a dull grey. The kind of rain that tapped on the window light enough to make you comfortable, but still disappointed by the mud and worms on your driveway. 

   It began to rain even harder once Aurora woke up with the feeling of warm water traveling down her legs. At first, she thought she peed herself. After spending her college years accidentally peeing herself, she didn't think twice about it. Once she rolled out of bed, that's when she realized that her water broke.

   In a panic, she hit Luke with a pillow until he woke up with a sharp gasp. With wide eyes, he drove her to the hospital while she panicked, wondering if she was ready to become a mother. She wondered if she was ready to raise a human being. She wondered if she was prepared to take on the responsibility that came with caring for a small human. She had watched Emma for years, but she knew it was different when it would be her own child. 

   As the rain continued to pour outside, Bella, Spencer, and the girls made their way down the hallway and into Aurora's hospital room. She laid on the bed miserably, Charlotte sitting in the corner reading a newspaper while Phoebe checked on her vitals. Luke sat in a chair next to the bed, squeezing Aurora's hand.

   Quietly, Bella knocked on the door and entered the room with a soft grin on her face. Spencer carried Ophelia in a carseat carrier in one hand while holding Emma's hand with the other. Once Emma saw Charlotte, she took off, jumping in her lap as Charlotte smothered her in kisses.

   "Thank GOD you're here!" Aurora exclaimed. "You never told me that labor felt like this! THIS IS HELL!"

   "I regret to inform you that it's only going to get worse," Bella said, walking over and planting a kiss on Aurora's cheek. "How are you doing?"

   "Fine! Everything is going well. I'm 5 centimeters dilated right now."

   "Really? How are your contractions?"

   "They're painful, I'll admit. But...I'll survive."

   Bella grinned, brushing some hair out of Aurora's face. Spencer sat down as Phoebe made her way over, scooping Ophelia out of the carrier and cradling her. 

   "Bella, I obviously want you to be this baby's godmother," Aurora said. "Phoebe has agreed to be the other godmother. I plan on asking Derek to be the baby's godfather, since you and Spencer are basically a package deal."

   "Of course I'll be the godmother!" Bella gasped. 

   Aurora smiled, "I wanted Charlotte to be a third godmother, but she refused."

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