stuff we did

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December 21, 2023

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December 21, 2023

   "Em, slow down!" Bella called out, struggling to walk in her heels as she carried a stack of presents. "Hey, hey, hey, come help with these presents, will you?"

   Emma giggled, slowing down and turning to look back at her mother. Bella raised her eyebrows, handing the 8-year-old a couple of presents wrapped in bright pink wrapping paper. 

   "I can help," Ophelia grinned, her small nose red from the cold air. She held her small hands up, warmed by bright purple gloves that Penelope had gotten her. 

   "You wanna help, baby?" Bella smiled, handing the 5-year-old a gift. "Here, you can carry that in."

   Spencer slammed the car door shut, carrying a stack of gifts in one hand while holding 3-year-old Ivy on his hip with the other arm. He looked over at Bella and widened his eyes, eager to get inside the party room.

   Emma turned on her heel and continued to run towards the building, snow flying up in the air as her black boots hit the ground repeatedly. She ignored Bella and Spencer calling out for her to slow down, instead racing for the door and holding it open. 

   The family stepped inside, wiping their boots off on the mat on the ground. The smell of cookies and hot chocolate filled the air as they made their way inside. They entered the party room, decorated with beautiful lights, a large Christmas tree, a pile of presents, and tables filled with food. 

   "Emma!" Hank called out, getting up from the table he was sitting at with Savannah and Derek. "Finally, you're here!"

   "Of course, I'm here," Emma yelled back, dropping the presents off under the tree. "My parents are slow, that's why we're late."

   "Pretty Boy and Dimples," Derek smiled, standing up and pulling them into tight hugs. 

   "I made you a pie, Derek," Bella grinned, holding up the delicious dessert. 

   "I love you, you know that, right?"

   Bella laughed, hugging Derek again. Ophelia ran off to where Julian was playing, sliding on the floor and ignoring the fact that she was getting her dress and tights dirty. Penelope stood up from the table with a gasp, swallowing the piece of cookie she was eating.

   "My loves!" she called out, hurrying over to Spencer and Bella. "Ohh, I've missed you so much."

   "Penny!" Bella smiled. "Ugh, it's been forever! You look amazing!"

   "Oh, thank you. Living in California gives you a really nice tan." Her eyes darted over to Ivy. "LOOK AT THAT ANGEL! GIMME!"

   Spencer handed Ivy over to Penelope, the blonde woman squeezing her cheeks as she giggled. Luke and Aurora made their way over, a smile plastered on Aurora's face as she held a bottle of champagne in her hand.

Soaring Through the Sky - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now