Chapter 3 New York

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Third person's pov

Meera was feeling mixed emotions for the job. Her parents no doubt were proud, grateful of her and a little sad as their only daughter was going to live away from them for five long years though they were happy for her achievement and didn't feel anything wrong with the job which she got. Unlike them she just can't let go of the unsettling anxious feeling. If her home, her parent's happiness wasn't at stake she wouldn't have accepted the said job that felt too good to be true. Sighing, she looked around her house one last time before moving towards the taxi standing in front of the house which will take her to the airport. Her parents bid her farewell with moist eyes and warmth to accompany for five years. They weren't coming to see her off at the airport because of Meera 's insistence who begged them to not come as their presence enough would make her change her mind to not go. She cried while hugging them, feeling she was literally bidding farewell for the last time. Her stomach had weird unsettled feeling which she can't comprehend. Sniffling, she sat inside the taxi which moved after. Her parents who had a encouraging smile on their face sent her off with reassuring words of staying safe and taking care and advised to take care of herself as well.

After a long flight Meera was finally in New York, feeling somewhat nervous
Well why wouldn't she be? She was in a foreign country alone, not knowing anything about the culture, tradition, people, norms and much more. She slightly felt uneasy as first thing she met after coming out the terminal was a welcome board, two men waiting for her arrival and also to take her to the new home, her apartment.

Her apartment was luxurious, least to say, for a PA job. She wanted to deny but did she have a choice? No. A penthouse suite, only for her. Ridiculous. The two men who brought her were her employer's personnel and left asking her to settle down and they will come tomorrow to take her to the company to which she nodded. She talked to her parents telling them that she reached safely and the apartment was more than enough for her and more after she settled .

Next morning, the moment came for which it was all about. She was standing in front of the CEO's office. The previous night she couldn't sleep much due to anxiousness and nervousness about what to expect tomorrow that is today. During the journey, she thought all types of scenarios regarding the job, the CEO, company, the work. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door softly but firmly. A deep voice allowed her in. Calming the nerves she entered and closed the door softly behind her. She looked confidently at the man who was sitting on the chair with his back towards her. She being professional spoke up politely,

"Good morning sir, I am Meera Goenka, your new appointed personal assistant"

Hearing her voice for the first time was like hearing a peacock singing in the rain soothing his soul. He sighed contently, a lazy smile formed on his lips. He felt accomplished but it was far from over, his doe was just here and is not his yet. He with a blank confident face turned around shocking her which she couldn't hide, her eyes gave her away. She can't believe her eyes, it was the same man from the beach whom she can't forget because of how she acted towards him solely, she was embarrassed to fill the blank. But now was not the time to think, it was her work place she has to be professional. They didn't know each other back then, they were strangers so it didn't mean anything anyway. And also she hoped he doesn't remember her. Composing herself she gave him her best professional smile. He looked at her intensely, mesmerized. She looked even more beautiful than before in her white button up shirt and black knee length pencil skirt with flattened black heels. A typical first day look. But she looked pretty in it, her hairs in high ponytail, face bare with no makeup. She looks gorgeous. He couldn't take his eyes off of her even if he wanted to. Meera was feeling uncomfortable from his constant stare on her so she cleared the throat which did nothing to waver his gaze instead he looked straight in her eyes which made her gasp audibly. His eyes were dark green piercing through her heart and soul from how intensely and intently they were looking. How did she miss to look at such hypnotizing eyes on the beach? They were captivating and everyone fell to be it's victim. She was transfixed unknowingly, she hasn't seen such a beautiful pair of eyes in her whole life. Not only his eyes, everything about him was beautiful. The five' o clock shadow on his chiseled face, sharp eyebrows and jawline, straight nose, pink bow shaped lips. He was handsome would be an understatement to justify the adonis he is.

Elijah smirked realising she was checking him out. He felt gleeful having her attention on him satisfying his ego. He cleared his throat breaking her reverie. She blushed embarrassingly which he liked on her increasing the natural beauty. The blush tainted cheeks definitely suited her. After admiring her, he said in authoritative voice with italian accent,

"Welcome aboard Ms. Goenka" And soon to be Mrs. Mancini.

His voice sent chills down her spine, it was pleasant to her ears. Her blush deepened. He smirked knowingly, nobody can resist his charms. He continued,

"Today, you will get to know about me, my company, my rules and regulations, structures, infrastructure of the building, layout, so be ready the job is demanding"

She nodded, confident. He with a dark edge in his voice told her,

"Always keep up with me, pay attention to only me, work only for me, follow only my orders, and most importantly stay with me all the time"

She felt weird, his demands were odd. But ignoring it, she nodded hesitantly. He raised a brow asking,

"Are we clear",

"Ye..s, yes sir"

She trembled from the command his voice had and stuttered out meekly.

He stood up and approached her with predatory steps. Her heart beats quickened feeling nervous suddenly. He stood just in front of her barely leaving any space. She looked up timidly at him, he brought his hand up and tucked a strand of stray hair behind her ear making her heart jump in the throat. He said in a low, husky voice,

"Dress up neatly and professionally invariably" You are allowed to be messily delectable for only me.

That being said he held her hand and took her out of his office to show around the headquarters. She didn't object him touching her as her mind stopped working long time ago. His strong cologne teasing her senses. After the touring was done, he brought her to her office just opposite his purposely only to see her whenever he wanted . She thanked him politely for the tour after getting work assignment for the day. He acknowledged her and was about to go when he turned back with a dark gleam in his eyes which startled her. She took a step back, when he approached like a predator, wanting distance between them uncertainly afraid of the look he had. He didn't like the distance hence he circled his arm around her waist and suddenly pulled her closer to him crashing soft body on his rigid one taking her by surprise. Her eyes widened and mouth agape, she put her hands on his hard,muscular chest in reflex. She reached his chest being that much short to him which he certainly liked. He lowered his head to her ears and whispered lowly,

"Don't meet, interact, talk, touch, see anyone other than me. You must always ask, look, follow me, only me. Otherwise you won't like the consequences my doe"

She shivered and held him tightly instinctively from the fear his voice caused in her body. Goosebumps erupted on her skin like bubbles in bath. Whatever he said had dark meaning which she couldn't understand but didn't like. She tried to pull back from him when she got her senses back after the fear wore off a little. Wiggling she pushed at his chest only for him to tighten his hold. She gasped consequently looking up at his eyes which were darkest green now startling her which made her futile movements stop. He once again said now dominantly,

"I hope you understood well, never ever disobey me"

With that he left her as well as her office leaving her baffled. Once he was out, she took a deep calming breath, her nerves and emotions were every where. Never in her life has she been in a situation like that and encountered such a dominating and commanding man. Also she was confused and unbalanced. Why did she allow him to touch her which with anyone else she never did. So what was about him which told her not to infuriate him. His words were so confusing especially the last one. She in her head replayed it again and again to understand the meaning which when she finally did, she felt flabbergasted. The double meaning his words had, he didn't like her protest resulting he pulled her more into himself. She shook her head continuously trying to ease the worked up nerves from the sudden anxiety she felt that were knotting. Only one thought she had that what she has gotten herself into.


Here comes the first real meeting between them. And the tension is so palpable already. I enjoyed writing this one.

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