Chapter 17 The gala

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Third person's pov

Dressed in a gold shimmering halter neck ball gown, hair tied in a loose ponytail, curtain bangs covering either side of her face filled with light makeup, and ears adorned with diamond earnings, Meera looked breathtakingly beautiful. Elijah, who was wearing a light gold three-piece Armani suit matching his doe's dress' s color, was feeling over the moon tightly holding the waist of his doe who looked otherworldly gorgeous. He haughtily kept her to his side like an arm candy which for him was his most precious possession to boast off. When they both walked on the red carpet of the gala, people were either in awe or burning in envy looking at the two godly-looking people, wanting to be with them. Meera couldn't mask her uncomfortableness, while Elijah disdainfully walked the carpet with her clung to his arm. He deliberately pulled her closer to him leaving no space showing indirectly but clearly, she is his.

For half of the night, they both spent either socializing with people who swarmed them to get insight information about them both being couple. It was easy to say that they wanted to get close to the unreachable, powerful, and famous billionaire whom they saw rarely, like a blue moon. He ignored them, barely acknowledging their existence. The other half time they both dined together under a beautiful crystal chandelier, a table decorated with gold and white roses and candles. For a second Meera thought she was on a date with him but rid of the thought immediately. But in reality, she indeed was on a date that Elijah enjoyed thoroughly.

Finally, Meera was searching Mr. Cordan, Mr. Norris, and Mrs. Crane, the said allies, all in mid-forties, of Mr. Anderson whom she saw at a nearby table to theirs with his wife and children enjoying the evening with no acquittance around. It was quite difficult to find the three alone in the exquisitely beautiful ballroom hall packed with people dressed to nines to do for what she came here in the first place as Elijah was reluctant to leave her but did after much protest and persistence. She finally spotted Mrs. Crane in a group of ladies talking with a glass of wine, and Mr. Cordan and Norris by the bar drinking. After researching about Mr. Anderson with the help of John who was currently keeping an eye on her from far away on order of his boss who was busy talking with his business partners, she rolled her eyes mentally at him who clung to her until now like a five-year-old to its mother. Sighing she decided it was better to approach the two men, they looked older than the picture of the three she saw when she went closer.

She slowly sat on the bar chair beside Mr. Norris who along with Mr. Cordan on his other side looked at her lustfully. She cringed internally, feeling disgusted. They both were married with children and here looking at her like a piece of meat. She mentally shook her head, swallowing down her nerves. Thinking she was doing this for her family, for herself. With a sweet smile, she turned to the men and introduced herself with a fake name.

"Hi, I am Sianne, handsome gentlemen"

internally gagging at herself for flirting, she fluttered her lashes at both men who gave her a lopsided grin after introducing themselves with additional 'beautiful', 'gorgeous'. Before she can say anything further Mr. Norris spoke up,

"Are you free tonight gorgeous? We have plenty of time...for a sexy lady like you"

Meera shivered in disgust when he gestured to his pants. She could barely maintain her facade and a scowl from forming on the face. Breathing deeply she smiled sickeningly sweetly at them saying in a melodious voice,

"Oh, I am. But can you afford the price which I want in return? "

Both men shared a knowing-look smirking. This time Mr. Cordan said leaning closer. A stank smell of alcohol invaded her nose which made her cringe in disgust. To cover it up she giggled lightly.

"Anything for a beauty like yours"

he creepily checked her body out. She bit her lip hard keeping from lashing out at the filthy men. She pretended to think seductively biting her lip, then she sultry said,

"I want to know something"

they both sobered up a little at that giving her a look. Her heart started beating fast nervously because the move of taking advantage of their drunken state was threatened. She spoke immediately to not break her act,

"I didn't get paid by someone so I wanted to take revenge by making them lose some money, nothing else"

she finished with an innocent smile. Both laughed out loud, gulping their drink down. Not giving much thought, they asked her who and what she wanted to know falling into her trap. Feeling a little confident by her small accomplishment, she said sweetly,

"Oh, I heard that Mr. Anderson is signing a huge deal with Mr. Mancini. I wanted to break it so he will lose a huge amount for not paying me"

she winked, at last, nervously observing their reaction who suddenly looked serious. The next second they laughed aloud startling her, who smiled nervously, exchanging the words,

"See Norris! I told you he is no different than us! "

"Here I thought he was loyal to his wife"

then Mr. Cordan delighted, said,

"You are mistaken he is not signing that deal because.. "

and just for which she acted all seductive ripped out of her mouth when someone interrupted them glaring at both men. She looked at them both confused but soon it turned to shock and surprise when that someone placed their hand on her waist and whispered in her ear huskily making her body stiff.

"Dance with me"

before she could react, he tugged her onto the dance floor pulling her body flush against his. She glared at him angrily and pushed him away and said barely covering her sudden hiked temper,

"I am not interested, jerk! Don't put your hands on me"

he smiled arrogantly and was about to say something but stopped short, his face paling looking past her shoulders. Frowning in confusion she was about to turn back to find out the reason mlbut a hand on her waist holding it rather possessively and a sudden pull that made her back land on a hard chest stopped the movement. A deep angry voice said beside her ear, chest vibrating beneath her back from its heavy rumble. Darkness hidden underneath the voice made the stranger in front of her cower in fear and she recognized the owner of the voice which sounded harsh, dangerous, and highly possessive.

"Don't touch my doe"

She shivered from the malice in Elijah's voice which thankfully was not directed at her. A breath of relief released from her mouth which she didn't know she was holding. But she was unknowingly thankful for him who came to her rescue though which she could handle but still it was welcomed. She looked at the man who looked like he will piss his pants any moment from how scared he looked. She can only imagine the venomous gaze of Elijah. Relaxing in his arms she was about to tell him it was fine and let her go to complete her almost done work when he said darkly,

"Let's go home, doe"

before she can protest, he was already tugging her along with him towards the exit. In her frantic rush, she failed to see Elijah signaling John towards the stranger with a barbaric gleam in his eyes. John curtly nodded. And before she could blink they were out of the hall and into the car on their way back home.


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