Prologue of book 2 : Two Steps Ahead

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Third person's pov

Meera was happily sitting on the kitchen counter and looking at her husband who was cooking her favourite dish in the middle of the night. He not even once whined to her when she told him that she was hungry and wanted to eat something. He just happily volunteered to cook something for his beautiful wife whom he loved beyond the universe and can do anything for her. She still can't believe that the once dominating and commanding man who he still is but not to her anymore does these little and meaningful things for her and especially loves her. It is beyond her. She can't fully accept whenever he says I love you to her as after so many hardships it was a bittersweet fruit.


After eating they both laid down on the bed in their room cuddling each other with a sweet smile adorning their faces. Elijah gently kissed the lips of his doe who kissed him back instantly. He can't express enough how heavenly it felt whenever he kissed her. They pulled back smiling at each other. He adoringly pecked her nose tightening his grip around her waist pulling closer to him. They both slept peacefully in each other's embrace.


Elijah was grinning from ear to ear standing in front of the mirror recalling how his doe first time confessed her love to him. His heart was beating like crazy, completely filled and swelled with love for his doe. At that moment he thought he couldn't be any happier but his doe proved him wrong which brought them to today. It was their big day. Looking himself in the mirror giving a once over again. He wanted to look his best for his doe, for whom he has a special surprise. He couldn't wait to see her reaction, she would be ecstatic definitely. He wants to give her all the happiness in the world and repay her with joy for all the pain he has given. He can't tell her that he does not at all regrets what he did in the past as it's what that brought them together but he surely regrets his actions towards his precious doe who was an angel in his dark life spreading light.

A loud bang on the door startled him which opened to reveal his best friend Eros who looked nervous for some strange reasons. Well, he doesn't have time to entertain his friend right at the moment. He just eagerly wants to meet his doe who he hasn't seen since morning. He laughed recalling when she proposed to play one last game with him, a game of puzzles. He chuckled his doe was childish but he can never complain about it as he loves everything that she is, his and only his doe.

Eros hesitantly approached his overly joyed friend. He was contemplating whether to tell him or not but before he could think more Elijah placed his hand on his shoulder startling him. Jumping in surprise he scowled playfully at him but soon his expression turned grim which didn't go unnoticed by Elijah who finally couldn't ignore how stressed and tensed his best friend looked. With concerned voice Elijah curiously asked Eros,

"What happened? Why do you look worried? "

Eros can't for the life of his wanted to break his best friend's recently mended heart but he had no choice. Elijah has to know which he will eventually get to know either way. Taking a deep breath, he opened his closed eyes. Looking at Elijah's frowning but glowing face, he said in a low voice afraid of unleashing the caged monster which was hidden inside his best friend that will surely come out once he hears what he is about to say,

"Meera is missing"

Elijah momentarily froze, his eyes asking Eros for confirmation which his suddenly racing heart refused to believe. His doe is missing. How? It's impossible. He saw her this morning only. But when Eros nodded sympathetically with apologetic look, his face hardened, muscles tensed, anger bubbled inside him with one thought roaming in his head; who dared to take his doe away from him. His eyes turned darker from the rage the more he thinks about the one who put their hands on his doe imagining various ways of torture once he finds whoever is behind this but first he needs to search for his doe. So without another thought he raced past Eros to his doe's room with Eros following behind him hurriedly.

Upon reaching the room which was empty made his heart beat nervously. A sickening feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Ignoring it, he frantically searched around the room calling her simultaneously,

"Doe! Where are you? Doe?!!"

His voice got louder and heart beated faster with every passing second in anxiousness not feeling good about the whole situation. Finally with no response and his doe in the room with his crazily beating heart which will sink any moment if he does not see his doe that made him going crazy. He turned to go out of the room but when he was about to leave he saw a shining thing on the dressing table. He slowly went towards it, heart strangely feeling bad vibes. And when he finally reached it, his eyes widened looking at what it is; his doe's wedding ring. His hand shook in nervousness. He looked down to see a similar note sitting on the table. Several notes like that was given to him from five days by his doe which were puzzle notes for him to solve, their last game together according to her. He carefully picked it up, hands shaking nervously. He read it which made his heart break into pieces and dropped to the endless pit of pain. His knees threatening to give up.

Eros who just came inside the room looked at weirdly tensed, frozen body of his best friend. He was about to approach him when Elijah dropped to his knees, a note and ring falling on the floor as well which rolled to his feet. He bent down and picked it up. His eyes widened in shock, it was the ring his best friend so proudly designed for his doe, his wife, her wedding ring. He looked at Elijah alarmingly from whose eyes a single tear rolled down, shocking him to the core. His friend who never cried after that unfortunate incident was crying and looked heart broken. He immediately went to his side engulfing him in a warm hug, consoling. Breaking down, Elijah shouted,

"Meera!!! "

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