Chapter 19 Her decision

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Third person's pov

Elijah was still feeling angry, anger was buzzing from the back of his head to flowing through his veins. He needed to touch his doe immediately to remain sane, feel that she belongs to him, look at her buried in his sheets, his bed. Without other thought, he went to Meera's room who was laying on her bed awake in a black nightgown thinking about the gala. He strode in long steps, pulled her up, and crashed his lips on hers taking her by surprise. On instincts, she tried to push him away failing miserably. He was kissing her roughly and mercilessly pouring his all emotions and relieving himself from the storm. He sucked, bit, and licked her lips like a starving man who got food for the first time. She thrashed madly but he hindered her all advances continuing kissing her to his heart's content. He pulled back to take a breath but instantly latched his lips next to her neck who was breathing ruggedly catching the snatched breath. After giving her neck a couple of hickeys, he looked her in the eyes with wild, feral possessiveness. His anger subsided a little but Meera's flared. So she pushed him harshly away from her, and he fell taken aback on the mattress. Standing up from the bed she yelled at him forgetting the consequences of her actions,

"How dare you kiss me after dragging me like a rag doll from the gala snatching my only chance of gathering information about Mr. Anderson! Don't you understand my grandparent's shop is at stake? This deal is at stake, my family and I are at stake! "

her voice grew louder at the end with words chewed out. He gave her a death glare his anger barely hanging by a thin thread. Taking a deep breath he stood up and said in a menacing voice,

"Keep your voice low, I don't care about anything other than that you are mine"

"I am not yours and never will! "

she shouted loudly breaking the barely hanging thread of his anger. In a second she was harshly pushed back to a wall and pinned to it by him who looked raging mad with a crazed look in the eyes. She gasped in pain and surprise looking at the bloodshot darkest shade of green eyes burning in anger. She gulped, fear clutching every fiber of her being. How can she be such a fool to forget not provoking him in her anger? She not only disrespected but shouted and yelled at him who looked a second away from snapping her neck. She trembled frightfully when he said dangerously low,

"You are mine, only mine forever. Enough of playing games. It's time for me to fully claim you, one way or another"

she tried to say anything even a single word but her throat closed on her from the fear of the consequences she caused. He was already angry and his doe irked him too resulting in him finally snapping on her as well. He didn't care anymore. He wants his doe to be his completely. His next words made her heart stop and she froze in fright.

"Now wait and watch the way your family suffers because of your failed deal and attempt of getting information"

for a second she forgot to breathe. She couldn't feel a thing completely going numb from shock, fright, and anxiety. He after taking a pause said staring dead in her eyes in an emotionless voice,

"Mainly you will suffer the most by tomorrow, doe. You shouldn't have provoked and infuriated me"

with that, he left the room as well as her who sank to the floor shaking. She sat in a fetal position on the ground crying. She knew it was over for her. He is finally going to claim her. His every word broke her. Not only her but her family as well will suffer in misery, woe, and pain. She wailed in helplessness, hopelessness, and anguish for her family and herself. She cried and cried and cried to the crack of the dawn which brought her inevitable doom until the painful tears dried and she sat staring at nothing regretting her decisions and actions. The shrill noise of her phone ringing broke her trance. Groaning she stood up, her limbs and back aching in protest to the movement. She didn't recall when her phone was put here in her room. Ignoring the thought at the moment she picked up the phone from the side table to see her father calling. Her heart dropped in both nervousness and happiness. With trembling hands, she answered the phone. Placing it on the ear, she timidly greeted her father who on the other side cried out,

"Daughter! I am sorry. I failed daughter! Do something, please! "

Her heart ached painfully hearing her father's broken voice. She vaguely had an idea concerning her father's pain but still, she prayed to God that she is wrong but alas her father's next words stole her last hope,

"Everything is gone Meera! We are homeless! I lost my job, your grandparents lost their shop. I don't know what to do anymore. Please do something, help me! Help us, please! "

her father helplessly cried his heart out making her worst fear real. She thought he finally did it. Meera again sank to the floor but this time completely heartbroken. Hearing her father begging gave her the excruciating pain she never felt before. She felt as if someone was ripping her heart out from the chest, raw. It was unbearably painful that ugly sobs escaped her mouth. Her father, who was prideful and never once begged or pleaded, who taught her to fight for justice and truth, who always stood tall with his head held high in any condition fell to his knees. Because of her. Or because of satan who was hellbent on owning her. It was heartrending to see her father in such a condition. She wailed at her finally broken pitiful self. She couldn't console her father for she felt broken beyond repair. The pain was numbing. She couldn't utter a single word in her mouth of how badly she was crying along with her parents.

Suddenly the phone was snatched from her hand. Subconsciously she looked up to see Elijah hanging up the phone staring at her deadly with emotionless eyes. She swallowed her pride, and self-respect for the sake of her parents and sat on her knees folding her hands together with her head down in front of him, and pleaded in a broken voice,

"Please, I beg you! Leave my parents, don't do this to them. Please, p-please"

she cried, tears flowing continuously from her doe eyes. She continued when he said nothing,

"You won, I lost. I accept my defeat. I am sorry for my every disrespect, and disobedience. But please spare my parents, my family. Do whatever you want to me but leave them please"

She adjured on his feet crying miserably. But he didn't move just stared at her blankly without showing or feeling any sympathy or pity for her. After a thick, painful moment her sobs, whimpers, and hiccups filled the silence which he broke by saying,

"I will spare them, return their home and job"

she paused and looked up at him hopefully. But it broke the next second by his words,

"Only if you marry me"

a pitiful, hopeless cry broke through her throat. She fell to his feet from her knees. She never in her life imagined herself in such a situation where she has to choose between herself and her parents. It was cruel. She didn't do anything to deserve this fate. She never did anything wrong to anyone or anything in her whole life. God was unfair to give her such anguish in her destiny. She cried for what felt like forever in a loss. Elijah looked down at her all broken but he didn't pity her. Not feeling a tad bit sympathetic or remorseful. Last night she crossed all lines, his patience. He can't wait anymore, having enough of the cat and mouse game. He will make her his even if she hates him he doesn't care. He only wants to claim her.

She can't be selfish in such a situation, and can't choose herself over her loving parents. She tried to fight him but failed miserably before his power. She is nothing before him. He can destroy her whole life as he did just now with a snap of his finger. She didn't want her parents to get the same fate as hers. She wants them to live happily even if she has to trade her life to the devil and spend it in agony. She can do anything for her parents. Anything in this whole world. She wiped her tears slowly. Sniffling she stood up on her feet. Lifting her head she looked into his awaiting eyes with newly formed hate for him. She spoke feeling as lifeless as ever in a blank voice sealing her life out but with new determination,

"I will marry you"


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