Chapter 20 Finally his

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Third person's pov

A week before the wedding

After Elijah left her in the room when she agreed to marry him, she felt like her soul left the body leaving her a living dead. Elijah was feeling ecstatic, and finally, his doe agreed to marry him. He immediately called John to start preparing for the wedding. That day Meera was taken against her will to meet his family whom she saw until now only in pictures. When they reached his parent's mansion where his whole family was waiting for them, his mother and sister one by one engulfed her in a warm hug but she couldn't bring herself to return it. His mother Synthia Mancini, smiled sympathetically at her. His brother Xavier Mancini, sister Evelyn Mancini and father Alexander Mancini mirrored her smile while looking at her which meant only one thing that they knew about what he did to her. Suddenly she felt resentful towards each one of them. She couldn't believe how cruel can they be. She thought only one thing why didn't they stop him? She looked at them incredulously detaching herself away from the horrible family. Synthia like reading her mind said in a gentle voice smiling pitifully,

"We can't stop Elijah when he wants something or is provoked. We were completely helpless"

his father then backed his wife saying,

"Try to give him a chance, he is not a bad person by heart"

she wanted to scream at their ridiculousness but chose to remain silent. Nothing can be done now. She just looked down, sighing defeated. The Mancini family then planned the wedding while eating lunch together. Meera silently and emotionlessly nodded when asked something and ate her food. Elijah let her be as nothing can spoil his happiness.

Three days before the wedding

Meera was trying out wedding dresses at the Ralph Lauren store with Synthia and Evelyn. She was doing everything like a robot as told since the day she agreed to marry him. She has told her parents over the phone that she is getting married. They were worried if she was doing it for them but she said nothing more and has not talked to them since then. When she was done trying the dresses, Synthia asked her which one she wants. She just shrugged and said nothing and was now staring at nothing blankly. Evelyn suggested that her brother will choose the dress for her which matches his three-piece tuxedo. She has clicked photos of Meera in several dresses she tried. Elijah was reluctant to let Meera go with his sister and mother but when he saw her in wedding dresses all his sour mood turned sweet, he can't wait to marry her.

The wedding day

Meera on her shaking legs, feet clad in white ivory stoned heels was walking down the aisle decorated with white rose petals and candles on either side of the glass floor which led towards the wedding chapel adorned in white silk clothes pieces and flowers in white theme hanging from the ceiling of the grand hall, wearing the smooth, soft fabric, white mermaid tailed lacy off shoulder wedding gown, hairs in a braided updo bun decorated with small diamond beads with loose curls falling on her forehead, shining diamond pearl earrings in her ear with a beautiful white pearl diamond necklace sat on her neck. A veil covering her lightly done makeup face. Eyes filled with tears, she felt beyond nervous and sad wanting nothing more than to run away but fate trapped her in a hellhole. She was compelled. It was for her parents she consoled herself.

Slowly with Alexander by the side walked her down the aisle towards Elijah standing on the other side with a genuine happy smile on his greek god-like face. He was looking dashingly handsome in his three-piece black tux, hair styled to perfection. He was looking at Meera fondly and also proud to finally have her marry him.

Finally, she reached him. Never once did she look him in the eyes, afraid the dam of emotions would burst out like a ticking bomb. Alexander gave her hand a light squeeze with a small smile. He placed her hand on his son's awaiting extended hand. The moment her hand touched his she felt a dark pit of helplessness in her stomach dig deeper. He gently led her in front of the officiant with a smile on his face standing facing each other. She was yet to look at him which she couldn't bring herself to do because she would break down the moment her eyes will meet his cold ones. He was a heartless monster whom she was marrying right now forcefully.

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