Chapter 13 On the same bed

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Third person's pov

Back in her room in the mansion after the awkward dinner with him, Meera plopped down on the bed, thinking about her day which proved to be good except for the evening when he came into her office. Closing her eyes, she finally let the tears fall slowly. She missed her parents dearly. It has been two days since she talked to them and heard their voice. If not for the satan sitting on her head who took her phone away the moment she placed a foot in this mansion, she would have been conversing with her parents and sharing her heart out. Sighing, she willed herself to not cry, nothing is over yet. The moment the debt gets over she will next cancel the contract of five years working with him. God knows she can't tolerate him.

The next morning in the office Meera was back to work on the project which took longer time than she anticipated. Nonetheless, it was going smoothly. John was handling the main things letting her work and focus on particular things which she was grateful for. Elijah was a demanding boss. At lunch, he forced her to eat with him in his office just like yesterday. He can't be anymore controlling. After lunch, he ordered when she was about to go,

"I want the project done by tomorrow"

she opens her mouth to protest but he cuts her off.

"Make sure to prepare the presentation, meeting with clients is fixed at five tomorrow evening"

she nodded begrudgingly then and left. But an hour later she was pulling her hair out in frustration as it seemed impossible to complete the project. She was only half done in two days how will she finish by afternoon tomorrow with a presentation? He made it so difficult for her but she can't back down. She was determined. Deciding to work overnight she continued her work. When he walked into her office broodingly she paid him no mind first but then realized it was past eight in the night and he brought her dinner. Her heart swelled in warmth despite herself, seeing the care. She smiled genuinely at him for the first time grateful for the food as her stomach growled in hunger. She was famished and busy enough to not go and eat herself. She devoured the food in minutes while he watched her eat. She flinched when he suddenly kissed her on the lips sucking hard when self-restraint left him the moment her alluring tongue darted out to lick the juice covering the lips. Taken by surprise, she placed her fists on his chest and pushed. But he continued kissing her hungrily, unaffected by all her continuous push and resistance. After what felt like hours but a minute he pulled back eyes dazed opposite to her anger-filled ones. Pecking her lips again, he sat back beside her on the couch by the window. Scowling at him not masking the disgust, she felt nauseating. Whatever food she ate threatened to come out. He smirked at her knowingly, she shook her head unable to argue about him kissing. It has happened now and then but it felt wrong every time he did.

"Come on, doe, let's go home"

he said to her gently while tucking a strand of hair behind the ear. His touch was rough and possessive with eyes boring into hers. Breaking the eye contact she informed him firmly,

"I will complete the project and presentation first then only will I leave"

"It isn't complete yet? How unfortunate!"

Seeing him mocking her, she glared back with eyes twitching in irritation. Chuckling at her cute face, he enjoyed himself. Sighing irritatedly she went to her desk and continued working avoiding him purposely. Sobering to seriousness he said after observing her for a while,

"Don't be stubborn. Come on, it's getting late"

"Don't behave as if you care. This project is important to me I can't leave it. You just go"

She said without looking at him with nose deep in the papers. Sighing, he announced while leaving her alone.

"I am in my office"

she looked at him puzzled barely lifting face from the papers but then shrugged going back to bury her nose deep in the work.

She didn't know when she fell asleep or went to bed after successfully completing the project and presentation at ungodly hours of dawn. She was beyond exhausted so everything was fuzzy in her brain. Her eyes fluttered feeling someone pecking her head once in a while and stroking the hair gently. She scrunched her face irritatingly turning the other side but failed when an arm around her waist tightened holding her firmly. That's when she realized someone was cuddling her. Their warmth covered her along with the comforter. With the eyes shot open in shock as well as herself, she looked beside on the cloud-like bed. Stretching to a sitting position, she saw him sit closely. Elijah's face was near hers, very close. He lightly pecked her lips greeting in his deep, husky morning voice,

"Good morning doe"

she blinked several times, finally realizing that she was indeed sleeping on the bed beside him. But how? Her brain was unable to grasp reality. She was so confused to register him kissing her. Noticing her confusion, while removing the hair away from her face which fell when she turned her head, he informed.

"You fell asleep on your desk. I brought you to the room inside my office"

"Huh? "

she thought about what he said frowning. A room? Inside office? How come she never knew about this piece of information? And above all what was he doing in his office that late?

"But how were you still in the office? It was too late"

He tightened his hold around her before replying,

"I never left the office, didn't want to leave you alone"

she looked down in response not believing his concerns even though the evidence and truth were in front of her. Suddenly realizing the position she is in and the reality dawned on her. Pushing him out of the bed, she yelled embarrassed and angry.

"Leave me! How can you sleep on the same bed as me? "

He chuckled, amusement swirling in his dazzling green orbs which were having a feast of his doe tucking her bed hairs in nervousness.

"Well get familiar, doe. Cause soon we will daily sleep like this"

"Never! "

Determination replaced the nervousness gripping her body. He shook his head like he couldn't believe what he is hearing. He left her alone in the bed and immediately she scooted away from him like he was a plaque. He looked at her intensely while standing up from the bed. She turned her back to him, his gaze making her uncomfortable. Well, she never expected to wake up beside him and then to know that he carried her, again. After a silent stare-off with her back, he decided to proceed with the plan.

"You have half an hour to get ready. Clothes are already in the closet. After that come for breakfast well, brunch as it's already eleven in the morning"

He looked at his phone before going inside the bathroom. She pulled the comforter over her head, screaming internally at him. He is irritating her to no end with his dominating and commanding self. She checked herself under the comforter and thankfully was wearing her dress from the previous day. A breath of relief left her nose. He didn't do anything or so she thought. Inside the washroom, he was reminiscing about him sleeping with his doe on the bed for the first time. How perfectly his doe fit in his arms while sleeping. Her angelic look and innocent face were contrary to when she was awake. He recalled how heavy a sleeper she was, she didn't wake up when he kissed her pouted lips several times in sleep. He couldn't control himself, and when he thought that if anybody saw his doe asleep all adorable, his blood boiled in extreme rage and possessiveness. He would skin them alive, only he can see her, only him. Even the thought alone about it made his jaw clench and teeth grit. He will make sure nobody will ever see his doe in any condition especially sleeping. Unaware of the dark thoughts of the possessive man, Meera sighed to herself thinking fortunately she completed her presentation. Today will bring her very first victory against him.  At the thought, she felt new will and confidence surging in her veins.


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