Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Cyra's POV

"Be good to your mother."

I smiled, "Don't worry, I will be."

The tall light-haired man nodded, "Alright then. All of your paperwork has already been taken care of."

"Thank you, Harrison. I will miss you! Take care of Dad for me, please." The airport wasn't busy, so I moved through it quickly. Thankfully, no one stopped me or anything, but I guess that a hoodie covering my fiery hair and sunglasses hiding my gold eyes does make me look more average. The lady at the boarding gate waved me through quickly once she saw my documents.

The plane was surprisingly crowded when it was time to take off. A lady with her little boy was seated next to me. "Shh, it's alright. The plane is going to be a little bumpy at first, but we are fine. Just think about seeing Dad again. He is waiting for us in Japan."

I smiled, "I am meeting my mom. Isn't that funny?"

The little boy smiled, "I am so excited to see him! We talked on the phone yesterday, and he said that he had a surprise for me! I wonder what it will be like! Maybe he will get me a new toy boat! I was telling him about how much I love boats! The gentle rocking of boats is so soothing! Did you know that the third generation of the Emberlin is the best?" I grinned and let him continue to jabber on about random facts on boats. His mother let out a sigh of relief when we were in the air, and there hadn't been a problem.

A while later, his mother distracted him with some food. "Aww, sweety, you are feeling warm. Try to take a nap." Looking over, I noticed that his skin was getting flushed. He leaned into my side and began to fall asleep. "I am so sorry about that. I can shift him so that he isn't leaning on you if you would like me to."

"Oh, no. Shifting might wake him up. I don't mind it at all!"

She sighed, "Thank you for talking with him. He is an only child and hasn't gotten to talk with other people very much recently. You look kind of young to be traveling by yourself. What are you going to do in Japan?"

"Yeah, I know. My dad is sending me to meet my mom. I haven't met her before because they are divorced. He would have joined me, but he had an important interview that he had to go to."

The lady smiled, "That's sweet. I hope that you enjoy meeting her!"

My nose began to itch at the smell of smoke. Looking down at the little boy, I saw that the smoke was coming from him. He had woken up and was looking at his hands, which were smoking. In the blink of an eye, they burst into flames. "Mom! MOM, HELP ME!" He reached for her in panic, but I grabbed him.

I activated my quirk and called the flames towards me. "It's okay. Calm down." He slowly calmed down, and he looked at his hands in wonder. "I love your flames. They are so pretty. Just remember not to freak out. Look at my quirk." I pulled out a flame and let it flicker around my fingers. He seemed captivated, making me smile. "Can you focus on controlling it?"

The little boy screwed up his face and looked down at his arms until the flames grew again. "I did it!"

"Good job! Now, can you try making it smaller?"

He nodded and stared at his arms until the flames disappeared. "I did it! I did it!"

I put out my flames before wrapping him in a hug, "You did!"

His mother was clutching her chest and stared at me, "I- I- Thank you. Thank you so much! I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here!"

"It's no problem. Anyone would do what I did. I am just lucky that I have a fire quirk. Wait, please don't tell anyone that you saw me use my quirk! If the media finds out, they are going to tear me to shreds!"

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