Chapter 3: First Step Towards Becoming a Hero

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"Izuku, why are you smiling at the fish? Cyra?" Izuku and I let out nervous laughter as we shoved the food into our mouths.

Inko picked up our bowls and did the dishes as we stared blankly at each other. Izuku was lifting one of his weights when Inko came into the room with a look of panic, "Your letters arrived." We lept from our chairs and grabbed the letter with our name on it.

Isuku and I sat on his bed. "Should I open it first, or do you want to? Or should we open them at the same time?"

"Same time." His hands shook as he tore his envelope. A round disc fell out of both envelopes. After a second, a hologram of All Might projected from the discs.

"I am here as a projection!" from this point, our projections differed. Mine told me that I had not passed the written exam while Izuku did not pass the physical portion. In Izuku's projection, All Might talked to him as if they were familiar with each other. I couldn't understand my projection, so I walked into the closet with it and replayed it. All Might told me that I didn't pass the written portion of the exam, but my fighting score was very high, and there were also rescue points given. "You pass. Come, young Hearth. This is your hero Academia!" Stunned, I sat there for a second.

I stepped out of the closet and glanced at Izuku, who had tears running down his face. "Are you okay? Did you not get in?"

He dried his cheeks with the back of his hand, "I did! Did you?"

"I did!" I let out a nervous laugh. "I never thought that I would be applying to a hero school in Japan, and here I am, accepted into the most prestigious school."

He nodded, "I dreamt about it for all of my life, and it is finally coming true!" I wrapped him up in a hug and led him to the door. We opened it, and Inko stopped her pacing.

She burst into tears as we smiled. "My babies!"

Three weeks later

"Hurry up! I need to get into the bathroom!"

"Oh, shut up! I'm almost done!"

"Cyra! Don't say that to your brother!"

I rolled my eyes as I finished adjusting the bow in my hair, "Yes, Mom." I exited the bathroom and sank into the dining room chair. Inko placed a plate of eggs in front of me.

"Hurry and eat. You guys are going to be late!"

Finally, we were putting our shoes on, but Inko was going over a checklist with Izuku, "Do you have your tissues? Handkerchief?"

"Yes, Mom."

She began to tear up as Izuku opened the door, "You're really cool."

He smiled as he stepped out the door, "I'm off."

I went to follow him, but Inko put her hand on my arm. "You're really cool too. Do your best!"

"Thank you, Mom. I will." I stepped out the door and waved to her, "I'll see you tonight!" I ran and caught up with Izuku. "I am excited. Are you?"

"Yeah, but I'm also really nervous. I just hope that the scary people aren't in our class."

I chuckled, "Scary people? I met some people at the exam, and they were nice! I hope that they are in our class!"

We made our way through the building, searching for room 1A. Finally, we found the giant door with 1A written in a large red font. We opened the door and stepped in. Izuku froze as two boys were arguing over a desk. The blue-haired boy that called Izuku out was yelling at an ash blond boy. The blue-haired boy spotted Izuku and walked over. Everyone turned and looked at us. "You. I am from..."

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