Chapter 24: Stop acting like a kindergartener

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Sitting upright, I looked around the room. My heart pounded in my chest as sweat dripped down my face. I threw the covers off and stared down at the sheets. My brand new sheets looked like a murder had occurred. Hurrying to the mini bathroom attached to my room, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and froze. My hair was tangled and hanging limply down my back, my face was pale, and I had slight bags under my eyes. It almost looked like I hadn't slept.

I quickly changed out of my now certainly stained PJs and quickly put on a pad. Splashing my face, I looked into the mirror above the sink and sighed. At least I look better now.

A knock at my door drew me out of the bathroom. I opened the door and allowed Momo to enter my room. "You're already dressed." I nodded. "Were you able to sleep at all last night? You look tired."

I sighed. "I'm fine. Just woke up to that." I waved a hand toward my bed.

Momo winced. "Oof. That's rough. We still need to go to Recovery Girl though."

"I know. I just need to do my hair quickly." Momo nodded and I pulled a black hairband off my wrist to tie my signature ponytail. I curled the pieces around my face with my finger before following Momo out of the room. My fingers fumbled on the red tie as we walked, catching Momo's attention.

"Here." She stopped me and took the tie from my hands. "Let me help you."

"Thank you." She nodded and we kept walking in silence. Finally reaching the med-center I sighed and entered after Momo.

Recovery Girl looked up and gave me a gentle smile. "Come in, dear."

Leaving Recovery Girl's office, a familiar voice called down the hall to me, "Cyra! I didn't get the chance to talk to you last night! Are you alright?"

I smiled at Mina. "I'm alright."

We walked down the hall like normal, but I felt eyes on me. Great! Is this a continuation of Iida and Uraraka's rumors or something else? I ignored the other students and strode into the classroom. Everyone went silent as I stepped in, with Iida and Uraraka looking smugly at me.

My pulse sped up as I looked around the room at everyone's worried faces, but I shoved that anxiety down and lifted my chin as I sat in my seat. Kaminari, Sero, Tsu, and Kirishima came over.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Are you alright? Kero."

"Is it true that Grape bitch hurt you?"

"Are you okay? Surely someone couldn't be that unmanly!"

I raised an eyebrow. "How would you know about that so soon?"

"There was a big commotion last night at 1B's dorm where the kid with hair like grapes was arrested. Midnight oversaw the whole thing and she said your name when talking to him."

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, that's what I heard Kendal say! Cyra, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I glared at them. "I just want space."

Present Mic entered the room with a screech and lept into his English lesson. I ignored everyone's looks and glared at them when they tried to talk to me.

Kaminari covered his mouth with his hand as he whispered to Sero, but I could still hear him. "She looks so much like Bakugo when she does that."

"I know, man, it's kinda freaky."

Something hit the back of my chair, but I ignored it and kept writing down what Present Mic was saying. Then again and again. I closed my eyes and prayed for patience, but another thump on my chair had me swing around to face Iida. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?"

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