Chapter 29: I'm Only Quoting You

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Momo adjusted my hair and straightened my jacket before grabbing my shoulders. "Head high. You've got this. I want you to know that this case is in the bag. Don't let your temper get in the way, because it is unfortunate that people are shitty, but if you lose your temper, the jury might not view you as favorably.""

So that's why you used my makeup to make me look softer and younger?"

"Yes. It should help them rule in your favor, which I freaking hate because they should only be making the ruling from the fact, but personal biases get in the way sometimes."

I nodded and walked to the door, where my lawyer and family stood, waiting for me. My fists clenched, and I glared as the short, purple-haired boy entered the room. He returned my glare with one of his own, making me suddenly remember one of the things he whispered to me that night, "Now, don't tell anyone about this, or I'll ruin your life."

The boy's lawyer seemed to be almost as bad as he was. The main two excuses he used were that Mineta was young and I was asking for it by wearing a dress. My lawyer presented the security footage of Grape Bitch attacking and then dragging me off the sidewalk as well as many videos of him being inappropriate to other girls and she called forward a couple of girls who had also been victims of his assaults.

The opposing lawyer tried to claim that they weren't reliable because they hadn't told anyone, but the judge shut him down when the other girls told everyone about the threat that he apparently made to all of us. They worried that they would be kicked out of school or that he would make life a living hell if they told.

My back straightened as the judge called for everyone's attention. He announced that the jury would take the rest of the day as well as tomorrow to deliberate and come to a conclusion. A part of me was glad that this ordeal was over, but the other part was anxious to hear what the jury decided.

"Cyra! My baby, I'm so proud of how you stood up there and faced that awful boy!"

"Yes, you did an amazing job, Cyra." Harrison wrapped his arms around me, and I returned his hug.

"Thanks. I just hope it was enough. I can't bear the thought of Grape Bitch being freed."

Momo hurried over. "Just so you know, there are a lot of reporters waiting out front. There might be a way out the back if..."

"No." I cut her off. "I want to go out the front. If I leave through the back, I'll look like a coward, and they will spin it in all sorts of nasty ways. I want to show them I'm not scared to be seen."

I led the way out the front door, with my friend and family huddled protectively next to and behind me. Cameras flashed, and reporters began asking questions. Ignoring them, we hurried to the car Nezu had arranged for us. 

Safely inside the car, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The drive was fairly silent, everyone thinking about the trial and wondering what the verdict would be.

Mom held onto my hand as I climbed out of the car. "My baby, make good choices and stay strong."

"I know, Mom. I think that I've always made good choices."

She gave a small laugh. "Good enough choices. I would prefer if you didn't take on dangerous missions while you are still students, both of you."

Izuku and I shared a slightly exasperated look before nodding. "Alright, Mom. But our classmates are waiting for us. We're having a small Halloween party with just our class. I haven't been told the specifics, so I'm suspicious that something is up."

Mom nodded and let go of my hand. Harrison gave me a small smile. "Be good. If there is alcohol at this party, please don't drink it. It's not worth it. Don't do drugs, don't drink, what's the other one?" He looked at Mom who smiled and shook her head. "Right, don't have se..."

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