Chapter 4: Hero Training

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"Cyra, I know that you are supposed to send in your measurements and preferences for your hero costume, but I bought a few things that I thought would be good for your outfit. I also made a few sketches that I would like to submit for you. Please, let me do this for you. I have never been able to dress anyone up before!"

I sighed, "What did you have in mind, Mom?"

She squealed and sat beside me on the couch. Pulling out a sketchbook from her bag, she flipped to a page and set it in my lap, "I have been drawing various outfits for a few days, but I like this one the best." She hesitated, "Well, I have already sewn it up, but I would be fine if you would like something else."

I looked down at the drawing and internally groaned. There was a tail that looked like a bird's. The neckline was far too low, the sleeves were impractical, and the skirt was short. Inko entered the room, holding up a red, yellow, and orange version of the drawing. She smiled and held it out to me, "Do you like it?"

"Yes, Mom. I love it!" I can't hurt her feelings. Especially not after she put in so much work on my outfit for me. I hope that the media doesn't ever see me in this. They would have a field day. I took the suit from her and walked into the bathroom to change. I hate this so much! The sleeves would get caught on things if I was going to fight in it. I pinned on a smile and walked into the front room to show Inko.

Her eyes filled with tears as she spotted me. "My baby! You look so beautiful!"

"Thank you, Mom."

I sighed as I looked down at the fabric in my hands. Slipping into the outfit, I exited the changing room and walked towards All Might with Izuku. He announced that we would have combat training. He split us into groups of two. I was teamed up with a girl named Momo, while Ixuku got paired with a brown-haired girl named Uraraka.

Izuku and Uraraka got chosen as the first hero team. Bakugo and Iida got selected as the first villain team.

As soon as All Might announced that the session began, Bakugo headed straight towards Izuku. I grinned as Izuku grabbed Bakugo's arm and flipped him over his shoulder, smashing his back into the ground. But that seemed to set Bakugo off. He kept swinging and kicking at Izuku, not caring that Uraraka ran off towards Iida. I chuckled as Uraraka got caught by Iida. She looked flushed as she looked around the room, which was empty, except for the fake bomb.

My attention jumped back to the screen with Izuku and Bakugo. Bakugo grinned and held his hand like a cannon towards Izuku. He went to pull the trigger on his gauntlets when All Might activated the speaker, "Young Bakugo, stop! Are you trying to kill him?" Bakugo seemed to say something back as he pulled the pin and sent an explosion towards Izuku that blew a hole in the wall that reached from the floor to the ceiling of that floor. "Young man!" All Might's voice shifted to worry, "Young Midoriya!"

The class watched in horror as Bakugo yelled at Izuku. "You should stop them!" Everyone nodded along with Kirishima's statement. Bakugo looked insane at that moment. What if he hurts Izuku?

All Might picked up the microphone again as we watched the fight play out, "Young Bakugo, the next time you use that move, I'll stop the fight, and your team will lose. To attack such a large scale inside is going to destroy your base, which you should be protecting! You will lose points for that."

Bakugo screamed and used his quirk to propel himself forwards. He flipped over Izuku and landed an explosion into the small of his back, sending Izuku forwards. The class gasped and continued to question what was going on with Bakugo. It made me angry that he was hurting Izuku so much, but Izuku needs to learn to stand up for himself. I can give him some tips later. Momo and a boy, who was partially covered in ice, began analyzing Bakugo's tactics.

 I bit my lip as He grabbed Izuku and flipped him onto his back. Izuku hit the ground hard enough that he looked stunned. He managed to regain his bearings and ran away from Bakugo. Kirishima sighed, "Running away isn't manly." Make up your damn mind. Are you rooting for Izuku or Bakugo? "But it doesn't seem like he has any other choice." Izuku pulled his hand back at the same time as Bakugo ad they jumped at each other. Izuku had red lines glowing and wrapping around his drawn arm. Bakugo's hand began to light up and spark. "Sir, this looks bad! Stop them!"

All Might began to tell them to stop when he froze. My eyes locked onto the screen as Izuku directed the energy from their punch towards the ceiling. It burst a hole into the ceiling right where Iida and Uraraka were. She used the confusion of the explosion to distract Iida and get the bomb. "Heros win!"

I watched in horror as Izuku fell while Bakugo stood over him, frozen. All Might ran out of the room, and I watched on the cameras as he checked that Izuku was okay. Two robots went into the building and carried him towards the nurse's office. Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugo came back with All Might, and he turned to the class. "Can anyone tell me why Iida was the MVP?"

My partner raised her hand and began talking about how Iida adapted the best. She then continued to analyze Uraraka, Bakugo, and Izuku.

"Hi, I'm Cyra Hearth."

"Momo Yaoyorozu."

We got selected as the villain team against a girl called Jiro and Kaminari. I watched in amazement as Momo pulled long strips of metal out of her skin. We nailed them over the doorways and won because they couldn't get inside the room before the timer ran out.

I kept glancing at the clock. Where is Izuku? Is he okay? The door opened, and a mop of green hair trudged into the room. Most of the class crowded around him, so I pulled myself onto the desk across from Tokoyami.


I rolled my eyes at Iida, "They are just desks. So long as we don't break them, it's fine to sit on them. If I break a desk that I sit on, I will personally pay to have it fixed."

"But they sat in those desks! You need to mind your manners, Hearth!"

I sighed, "Most of these desks get replaced every few years. And when our upperclassmen were in this class, they also sat on top of the desks. You did realize that, right?"

He grumbled and turned away from us. I looked back towards the door, but Izuku wasn't there. "Hey, where did Izuku go?"

Mina waved me over to the window, "He is chasing after Bakugo." We leaned against the window and watched as Izuku said something to Bakugo that made him start yelling. He turned and walked away, wiping his face. All Might showed up and said something, but Bakugo kept walking.

I met Izuku halfway down the stairs. "I grabbed your bag for you."


He went to grab the bag, but I stopped him. "You have an injured arm. I can carry your backpack for a day. What did you say to Bakugo?"

Izuku fiddled with the strap on his sling, "Well, we knew each other as kids. I told him that I would beat him." I raised an eyebrow, making him flush and wave his hand, "I didn't mean to say that! It just came out!"

I pushed open the door to the apartment, "We're home!"

Inko came into the entryway smiling. Her smile changed into a look of worry when she spotted Izuku's tattered suit and the sling that held his arm. "What happened?!"

"He lost control of his quirk and broke his arm."

She wrapped him in a hug, "My baby!" I rolled my eyes but smiled as I put our backpacks in the bedroom. Inko had bought a bunk bed so that neither of us had to sleep on the couch.

"Dibs on the shower!" I didn't give Izuku a chance to argue and locked the bathroom door.

"No fair! You got it first yesterday! And you use up all of the hot water!"

I laughed, "Move faster next time, and maybe you will get to shower first."

I heard Izuku groan, "But, Cyra, you can use your quirk to heat the water!"

"I could." I paused, "Or, I could be lazy and use the hot water."


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