Chapter 32: Birthdays

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Before I get  distracted, I want to say thank you so much for reading this story! I can't believe that it got to 2k! There is one more chapter after this one, so please be patient as I finish writing!

The news loved our marriage. They called our marriage rushed and said that we were too young and would get divorced sooner than later.

But they were wrong.

A year after our marriage, we were on the couch of our new home. Shoto was running his hands through my hair. "Cyra, I've been thinking about names. For girl names, what do you think of Yui, Akira, Akari, Mei, Yuki, or Ema?"

I put my hand on my stomach and smiled up at him. "I kinda like Akira, Yui, and Yuki. What do they mean?"

"Well, they mean different things based on the spelling. Yuki could mean snow, snow flower, or happiness. Yui means beautiful clothing. Akira means bright, clear, ideal."

"That's tough. I like the idea of our daughter's name meaning happiness, so how about Yuki?"

Shoto pressed a kiss to my temple. "Sounds perfect. So her full name would be Yuki Jade Hearth?"

I hummed my approval. "You know, I was kinda thinking that we could name the boy Nathan. It was my father's middle name. Or is that too weird?"

Shoto grinned. "I love it. Nathan Asahi Hearth."

Thor meowed, jumped onto the couch, and curled around my large stomach. "Looks like he approves too."

A month later, I finally got to hold my beautiful children in my arms.

Shoto cradled Yuki in his arms as she slept. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he looked down at her. "I can't believe we made these two!"

I laughed and rocked side to side with Nathan sleeping in my arms. "I know. They are so perfect!"

Shoto climbed into the bed, and we laid together, enjoying the momentary silence.

Yuki's laughter melted my heart as she chased her brother around the front room. "Be careful, little polar bear. How about you guys sit down for a little bit." I picked up the tv remote and clicked the power button, turning it on. "Oh! One of your favorite heroes is saving the day right now."

Both kids froze and looked at the tv where Shoto was on camera fighting a villain. Nate wrapped his arms around my legs and grinned up at me, his bright teal eyes shimmered in the warm glow of the evening light. "I can be a hero like him, right Mama?"

I picked him up and balanced him on my hip. "Of course! You can do anything you set your mind to."

Yuki wrapped her arms around my other leg. "Can I be a hero too? I wanna be like Phlair!"

"You are already so much like Phlair, that I know you can become a hero just like her!" I picked Yuki up in my other arm and spun the two of them in a circle. "Now, Uncle Kachan and Uncle Ei are coming over early tomorrow to help bake a cake for your fourth birthday, so could you please pick up your toys?"

Nate nodded and went straight to work picking up the toys and putting them in a wooden basket inside the side table while Yuki grinned. "I want cake! Can I have some now?"

"Sweety, the cake isn't made yet. But I am sure that Uncle Kachan will let you sample some of it while he's baking. So, how about we clean up a little so that Dad doesn't have to help when he gets home?"

This caught her attention. "Okay!"

I sighed and glanced at the tv. "Looks like Dad is going to be running a little late today."

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