Chapter 25: Please, Don't Tell Aizawa!

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My writing schedule has been very inconsistent lately, which I'd like to apologize about. I've just been super busy with babysitting this summer. So please hang on as I keep writing, even if my publishing is inconsistent.

Thor scampered around my room, sniffing everything. I laughed as he went behind my long white curtains and poked his head out the other side. His grey and white nose went back to work smelling the air, the walls, the desk, and the chair.

My phone made a ding as I got a new notification. Dabi gave me the coordinates for the meetup spot. I scooped up Thor and set him in the corner of my room that had food, water, and his litter box. The corner was closed off by a tiny fence for kittens.

I double-checked that he had everything he would need for while I was away before putting on my knee-length black boots and grabbing my long flowy black jacket. My hands worked quickly as I pulled my hair up into my signature ponytail.

Following the coordinates, I stood alone in a park not too far from the school. "Cyra." I turned around and faced Dabi.

"I'm here."

He eyed me for a second. "Before we head to the League, I wanted to talk to you for a second." I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "I can still help you get out! After what they did to you when you were kidnapped, I don't trust them anymore!"

"That's why I need to take them down. I already created a plan with Nezu and he has agreed to help wipe your criminal record clean."

Dabi's eyes watered. "You would do that for me? But I'm terrible! I'm just as bad as they are! I've killed people, Cyra!"

"I know. But if you can help take down the League, that is a step in the right direction. Nezu also promised to help get you a hero's license if you desired to continue to make up for your wrongs."

He wiped away his tears with the back of his sleeve and straightened. "Thank you!" We were silent for a couple of minutes before Dabi sighed. "Alright. I need to bring you to our current hideout. Shigaraki has decided that you are going to be most useful by his side. Toga and Twice are being sent to Overhaul. So, if you are going to take down Shigaraki, this might be the time, because Twice and Toga are part of what makes it hard to harm him."

I nodded. "Sounds good. I just need a chance to strike and take him out."

Dabi laughed. "First, you would need Shigaraki's influence on the other villains to reduce. I can start spreading rumors and unease. Wait for my signal to attack. It will probably be a few days, and you might want to bring a few quote en quote recruits to help you take him down. He still has his eye on Bakugo, just to let you know. I could also pull a few strings and bring in my own recruit. Just play the part correctly today, and you'll be fine."

I nodded again, and we continued in silence. The only sounds were those of falling leaves under our feet and our breaths puffing in the slightly chilly air. The clouds above our heads seemed to thicken again, and a light drizzle of rain began to come down.

Dabi pushed open the door to an old storage unit that had long since been forgotten about. Shigaraki looked up from where he was seated on an old couch. "It's about time. I was beginning to think that you had turned in my third in command to the heroes."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, sometimes it takes a bit of time to get away from my classmates."

"Don't talk back to me! I'm in charge here!"

"Whatever. I just want to take out All Might."

Shigaraki's face contorted into a creepy grin. "Everyone here wants him dead, so welcome to The League of Villains."

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