Chapter 16: I'll Never Listen To Villains

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Cyra's POV

The first thing that I noticed was the dried blood on my cracked lips. The room smelled like dust, alcohol, and blood. A cough forced its way out of my lips and shook my whole body. Where am I? What happened? I pushed myself into a sitting position, only to have my head spin. My hands pulled against something. Looking down, I saw metal cuffs that completely covered my hands.

A door opened, blinding me with a bright light. "So, you are finally awake."

"Where am I? How long was I out?"

Shigaraki grinned down at me. "You are at one of my secret bases. As for how long you were out. You will find out shortly."

"What do you want with me? I'll never tell you anything!"

His laughter was a bit unsettling, but I held my scowl. "You are just like Bakugo. So sure that I won't get what I want. But I already have what I want. I want you. Cooperate, and nothing bad will happen."

I tried to say something, but a pulse of pain shot through my temple, making my vision swim. It faded after a minute. Panting, I glared at Shigaraki. "You did something to me, didn't you?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I haven't done anything yet." My heart stopped at the word yet. "Kurogiri will be in here to give you food shortly. Don't try anything, though it doesn't look like you can in the state that you're in."

As soon as Shigaraki left, a man of shadows entered the room carrying a tray of food. The sight of him made me shake and press against the far wall. "No. No. No. Please don't kill me." All I could see was the video of Dad's murder. He reached out to me and pressed a hand against my forehead.

"Oh, dear. You have a high fever." The cold of his hand made me realize just how hot I was. I shook from both the cold and fear. A sigh escaped my lips as he backed away from me. I couldn't hear what he said as he left the room. Blackness took over my vision again.

3rd Person Pov

The next day, the media was going crazy with the news that two of UA's top freshmen got kidnapped during a school event. Nezu called a staff meeting to discuss the events of the previous night. "It seems like these villains have been fighting this war a lot longer than we thought."

All Might had his head buried in his hands as he mumbled to himself. "This is my fault. If Midoriya had a quirk or never got a taste of mine, his sister wouldn't have refused to use her quirk. Then she wouldn't have been kidnapped."

Nezu glared at All Might. "You should never have taken One for All from Midoriya! But, he doesn't need a quirk to be powerful. We can't fix the past, only the future. I suggest that you try to make things up to him. But, back on topic."

Izuku blinked in confusion as he looked up at the ceiling. He looked over at the hospital door as Kaminari poked his head in. "Midoriya! You're awake! How are you?"

The doors flew open, and almost the entire class entered the room. "Deku! You're awake!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Man, we were a bit worried that you were asleep for so long!"

Izuku looked around the room. "How is everyone?"

Iida looked down, making the light reflect off his glasses in such a way that Izuku couldn't see his eyes. "Jiro and Hagakure are still unconscious from the gas. Momo is also here. I heard that she woke up yesterday."

Uraraka sighed, "Fourteen of us..."

"Because Bakugo and Hearth aren't here." Izuku's bottom lip trembled at Todoroki's words. He thought back to his inability to save his childhood friend and his twin.

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