Eventually, everything connects

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Seokjin's Pov-

I encase my arms around her waist for support and guide her to the couch. On every step a winch breaks free from her larynx and her hold on my arms gets tighter. After making her sit on the soft cushion of the couch, I turn away my stare from her dainty face to her throbbing ankle. I kneel down in front of her and remove her broken heels and gently take a hold of her ankle. "Is it paining very much?" I stare into her teary eyes, my voice fills with concern. "A l-little bit," she evidently half lied, trying her utmost to conceal her pain.

I, with extra care, lift it a little in the air. I attempt to flex it just to evoke a whimper from Mi-yeon. She puts her both hands on my shoulders, crumbling the fabric of my coat into her fists. "S-Stop please, it hurts," tears well up in her large, mournful eyes engulfing me into guilt. I recoil my arm back at her exclaim after noticing her in agony. But my abrupt action prompts her leg to fall on the floor from a height harshly. "Awww, M-Mr Kim," she groans in anguish, shutting her eyes close and holding her leg. "I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean to-" I sigh since I'm embarrassed with my ungainly activity.

Lacking of aids to heal her affliction, I flump my body on the couch beside her. My eyes still linger on her sorrowful face,"There's no assistance in the office to soothe your ache. Should I drop you home and cure it there?" Being deprived of medicines, I think it'll be best to take her home.
She beams a small smile," I'm absolutely f-fine. I'll be able to return home. Besides, I don't want to trouble you at this late hour." She forces herself to stand but I straightaway shoot my hand forward preventing her to erect straight up and pull her down resulting our chests to collide. "Don't be childish, Ms Mi-yeon. You won't," I contemptuously cut her off.

Once I become alert of our proximity, my ears turn into pink. Truth to be told, she has rested her body on my torso and her arms rested on my chest. My heartbeat has accelerated to that level that it can explode in anytime. Her broadened orbs are staring straight into the depths of my eyes and her hot breaths fanning over my neck causing a ticklish sensation. We both don't pull away from each other, rather, we are admiring each other. I'm having a battle inside my mind, my mind is screaming to pull away whereas my heart is encouraging me to claim her as mine. My body is working against my will as if someone has something spelled on me.

Her twinkling face under the fluorescent lights inveigles me to touch it. My hands are seeking to fondle through her smooth locks. An inaccurate desire creeps inside my chest, weakening my virtuous self.

'Just listen to your heart. Procure her to yourself.'

These words are constantly knocking in my head, clouding my honest thoughts. At this point of time, my mind is clouded with various thoughts and I'm unable to think straight. The air around us is overlapped with intense feelings. My sanity is replaced by lust.

I give in, knowing that it'll lead to something very miserable.

"I can't hold in anymore," uttering this in one breath I crash my lips with her soft one. Closing my eyes in both guilty and bliss, I kiss her. In instant stimulation, she slides her hand up to my neck and her fingers strangle on my locks of hair. Our bodies don't spare a gap between us and breaths get mingled, making the atmosphere heated. Finally fulfilling my covet, I taste every inch of her divine lips that have made me insane.

When I sightly open my eyes getting a view of the outer world, I distance myself from her warm body.
Surprisingly only one person pop up in my sight Y/n.

"This is wrong," I mutter, but I'm well aware that it's too late now to realize.

Author's Pov-

The creaking sound of the door scares the lad a bit to get caught by his wife. Being quiet as much possible, he kicks off his shoes and takes little steps towards the living hall. His eyes are searching only for one person as he mentally prays you to be aslept since the whole house is in pin drop silent. Peeking his head inside the elegantly painted dining room, his eyes soften.

There you are sleeping soundly, your head rest on the dining table with your folded arms. The sight is so calming and sweet that his heavy heart is lightened by the purity of your heart. But when his eyes fall on your nearby surroundings, his heart sinks to his stomach at once. The once warm and sizzling meals have turned into cold aromaless even after the lids are on. In his wait your excited eyes had turned heavy leading you to drift off to sleep, all your trials to stay awake want in vain.

He slowly trodes back, his pupils trembling in guilty and feeling himself the most cruel and selfish person. "Jin," your sleepy voice pull him back to reality from his trance. With shame he meets your half lidded eyes as you cutely rub them. "Did you have your dinner? Should I warm the foods for you to eat?" when your senses come back, worry overwhelms you at the thought of your husband being hungry. On the other hand, Seokjin is left amazed or to say guilty runs through his veins, not sparing any part of his body. Normal wives would have started the talk with 'Why are you so late? Where were you?'
Rather, you initiated the conversation about him having eaten or not.

What should he say? Tell you that yes he had shamelessly devoured someone else's mouth, not to mention his secretary.

"I-its fine. I've already had my dinner. Sorry I forget to inform you," his lips quiver as he talks. "That's good, then. I don't want you to starve yourself. Then, shall we head to sleep?" You speak softly, minimizing the distance between you two as you reach up to him.

He nods his head in agreement and follows your tiny frame up to your both shared bedroom. Crawling under the duvet you let out a big yawn and draped yourself with yawn, your husband has dashed into the washroom.. You purposefully reduce the gap between your and his pillows by scooting closer to his side. You close your eyes, allowing some rest to your tired irises, not until you hear the clicking sound of the nearest door. Your eyes shot opened and a smile make its way to your lips as you stare your husband's wide back.

After a short few seconds, Jin also drop his stiffed body on the soft bed. He glances at you as your back facing him and well aware of the fact that you ain't sleeping just pretending to.

"What happened? Has sleep flee away from your eyes?" he whispers in your ears, causing you to flinch a little at the sudden feeling of his hot breath fanning over your back neck. You toss around and smile nervously," I think so. Maybe I slept extra hours in the afternoon."

He raises his eyebrows and nods. He takes the duvet and pulls closer to your face so they cold could not touch you even a bit.

"J-Jin," you anxiously call out his name fiddling with your fingers,"Will you mind if I want to c-cuddle with you a little?" You finally speak that you have been holding back for quite long. Shock is visible in his eyes which increases the chances of rejection.

Your cheeks are flushed red in embarrassment as you want the bed to swallow you whole. You try to open your mouth to stop him from replying since you don't want to hear a 'no'.
"Well sure, I don't mind," Jin tries his best to hide his hesitancy. Not because he doesn't want to but he ... He just thinks that you don't deserve him and his touches.

Your heart swell up in contentment when he opens his arms to engulf her in his embrace. You, not wasting a second, snuggle into his warm chest as your stomach does a summersault and you can feel the fluttering of the wings of the butterflies in your belly.

You find your home in his embrace. You find your life in him.

Whilst, Seokjin is undergoing through a mental war.
What had he done; what is he doing; and what will he do?

He has drowned himself into a tangled mess.

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