The Fluttering of Heart

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General Pov-

"Jin, you're back. I was worried sick for you," you exclaim when you spot him at the doorway. "I-uh..." he isn't sure of what to say.

You run to him and instinctively drape your arms around him and land your head on his chest. "Don't do this to me please. I was worried to the point that the dreadful thoughts of something happening to you kept bugging me," your voice cracked by the end. Seokjin hugs you back almost immediately pulling you closer," I'm sorry. Forgive me for my recklessness."

When you pull yourself away from him, he astoundingly misses your warmth. That warmth that always cools down his nerves, brings peace to him and feels safe. He puts his both hands on your cheeks ever so softy as if scared to hurt you even in the slightest way.
However, that very man is deceiving you.

His heart drops to his stomach when he gazes into your misty eyes. Your eyes show sincerity and his ones shows guilty.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I should have informed you earlier," he averted from your brown orbs, unable to continue the eye contact. "It's fine, Jin. I'm not mad at you," you whisper.

After stepping back to create some distance between you, he notices your outfit. He becomes perplexed at the sight. The dress is pretty much over stylish for wearing it at home.

You follow his gaze that's fixed on your dress. "Oh this, I got dressed for our date. Don't worry, it's not the end. We can go out on some other day," you try your utmost not to show your sorrow.

He lowers his head out of shame, he feels himself very small in front of you. Here, you were hopefully waiting for him to spend time with him and on the meanwhile, he was cheating on you by meeting someone else behind your back. He is practically backstabbing you.

You figure out that he was involved in office work, but things aren't what you are anticipating to be.

Seokjin swallows the thick lump that formed in his throat,"I- I'm sorry. I should have informed you earlier. I promise I will m-make that up to you." "I said it's alright. Let's drop the topic here, shall we?" you tilt your head to the side to meet his eyes which are staring down. You don't want him to feel bad. Mistakes happen, it's not a big deal.

He simply nods his head at your words, feeling lightheaded from all the happenings. Remorse has been eating him out alive.

"Have you eaten your dinner?" you inquire once you remember about aliment. He indecisively bobs his head up and down.
You hate to admit but your heart briefly clench. You have been waiting for him on void stomach, at the minimum you are anticipating him to eat with you. "You?" Jin stares into the pair of angelic orbs which shows nothing but pure care and adore.

"Er- Yes. I ate already," you lie because you have no appetite now and don't want to trouble him. You fake a yawn and state,"Hm, I'm so drowsy now. I'll head to sleep first."

Without waiting for his answer, you scurry towards upstairs. He stays rooted to his spot with his coat hanging on his hand and your feminine smell still lingering around the air.

"What exactly am I doing?"


"Breakfast is ready," you yell from the stairs with the purpose that your husband can hear.

You continue to chop the remaining vegetables for salad. You always believe that salad and fruit juice are key to a good health.  For that reason, salad and juice are mandatory in breakfast.

"Good morning," the sweet, melodious voice of your husband makes you turn around. You wish back with the same enthusiasm,"Good morning to you too." You walk up to him with plates on your hand. "Here, you go," you serve him the breakfast along with the salad made from fresh veggies.

"Y/n, why you always give me salad?" asks Jin out of curiosity as you have never missed a day without salad. You lean against the table with hands rested on the glass table," Um because salad is a key to good health. It is full of fibre and provides necessary vitamins and keeps your hydrated. It also gives lots of energy and makes you healthier. Since my husband is so workaholic, so I can't risk his health."
You explain him the benefits of salad, not leaving a single behind. All this time Jin is silent, staring at you without blinking for once.

"Now, quickly finish your breakfast. You have to go to office," you remind him before retreating back to kitchen. "Y/n wait," you halt on your steps when you hear his voice calling your name. Everytime your name escapes from his mouth, something inside your belly flutters.

"Yes?" spinning on your heels,you arch an eyebrow at him. He points his index finger at your back,"Your apron." You follow the direction of his finger and get to see the knot of your apron has loosened. "Uh, I'll fix it later," you resume walking to the kitchen.

You stand freeze when long fingers wrap your arm, not letting you go. Without even turning, you can recognize who it is. "Let me do this for my beautiful wife," he whispers from behind, the closeness gives you chills. And with this your mouth goes shut and your brain goes blank.

His slender fingers brush around your skin leaving a trail of goosebumps as they grabbed the strap which is hanging loosely on your arm. The places begin to burn wherever he touched, and no need to even mention about your face, because it blazing in brilliant shades of scarlet. His minimal touch has paramount affects on you.

And these affects don't go unnoticed by Jin, manifestly. So in order to savour this, he takes unnecessarily extra time to tie the simple knot. His hands are slowly working for the knot whilst this whole time his eyes are anchored to your face. You appear so adorable at this moment of time.


"Okay, I'll leave then," he slips into his shoes glancing you for once.  "Goodbye, have a wonderful day at work," you stand behind him maintaining a safe distance while your hands wrapped around yourself.  He takes a step forward towards the door, expanding the distance from you.
A goodbye kiss would be fine .
You sadly think which is in no way possible. In usual, the husband always kisses his wife before leaving. That what you had been watching your parents doing since you were a kid. But it's the opposite in your case.

As if he read your mind at that time, he swiftly rotates on his heel and takes a couple of strides to drop off the distance between you two. "See you later," he says after planting a brief kiss on your forehead taking you by surprise. With that, he just steps out of the home, leaving you stand there like a statue. Your dimwit brain is still processing about what just happened.

"Did he just kiss me?" you dumbly ask to yourself as you find it hard to believe. Soon, your cheeks flush into crimson colours as your heart swell up in content.

Well, it's not first time of him kissing you, even so, you just can't stay being unsurprised.

You are falling more and more for this man in each passing day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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