Chapter 1 (Scaramouche)

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It was a gloomy day in the Kamisato Estate, as once again. The rumor of a certain ghost who only visits at the light of darkness has once again re-emerge. The staff of the estate would go around asking, "What did he look like?" This rumor started a long long time ago... the ancestors of the people today have also spoken about this certain spirit. However, only one of the rumors spread about this spirit has been proven. That he was a carbon copy of the Almighty Shogun.

The people from before have tried countless times to get the Shogun's attention. But despite their efforts, she continued to turn a blind eye on this issue.

Because of this, the talks and chats about this ghost is deemed normal and has became such a common occurrence that they no longer fear this ghost.

Lucky for the staff of the estate, the one and only person who saw this spirit's face was still alive. She was a maid for the estate, people gathered around her from time to time to ask about the spirit.

This is how her story goes...

"The night was looming fast that day, the skies were empty as the moon shined so brightly... the lord tasked me to go outside and run an errand, but as I was walking out, I passed through the shine. As I passed by, I stopped abruptly- I felt the presence of someone or something... I slowly turned... and there I saw, 'almighty shogun' I whispered. But the spirit was that of a man, he wore the harness of that who goes into battle, with a straw hat that you would usually see worn by noble women. The last thing I remember was losing consciousness."

These tale used to be widespread around Inazuma, now the only people who partook in the talk about the spirit are the people from the Kamisato Estate.

Some say he is a bad spirit who will bring chaos to where he goes, while some say he is a guardian who will protected the lords of the Kamisato Estate. The latter was what was widely believed in because of how peaceful this spirit is. Because of that, all the lords that came to be in the Kamisato Estate have all left the shrine alone.

If only... If only they knew that the spirit they so call Guardian is the very being who is planning to lay destruction on Inazuma just for his selfish desires.

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