Chapter 25

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Yae Miko tried stopping Ei from piercing you with her spear, when all things could have been lost, you felt a strong tug the moment you were just about to be impaled.

Before you knew it, you were sprawled on the ground with someone holding you down. That familiar face, you didn't even need a minute to realize who it was.

"Scaramouche..." You mumbled.

He turned his face towards you in shock after hearing your voice.

"You went away from my side for only a short moment and you can already talk?"

"You!" The two women shouted in unison.

"All my efforts to keep you from being able to speak, all down the drain."


You then remembered a certain memory where you were supposed to be in slumber but the conversation of the two voices kept you from doing so.


You pondered whether or not it was morning or night. There were no window in your window, whenever he would tell you to sleep, you for some reason gladly followed. The only bit of light in the room was from the small crack on the door from outside the room.

"Do you have it?" Scaramouche asked.

"Yes... add it on with the food you bring in and it will do its work, so you mustn't worry."

"Here's the payment. Next time you come bring me the next batch."

"Yes, thank you so much, I will be going now."

The last thing you could remember was wondering what batch was Scaramouche talking about.

Your eyes widened as you realized the answer to the nightmares, ache, and pain you felt while you were enclosed in that room.

"Just realized?" Scaramouche asked, now with quite a playful tone.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of this place, so stay put okay?"

Scaramouche helped you up from the ground. You felt a tingling feeling on your body, you turned to the direction it came from and saw two raging women sending death glares to Scaramouche.

"You gods really like touching other people's property."

"Oh??" Ei said, clearly annoyed.

"Says the one wrecking havoc in one's country for some love chase." Yae Miko then said, trying to provoke Scaramouche, and to get that annoying expression off his face.

"Wow... you really do have the slyness of a fox, pretending to be so calm headed when the slightest change of your vision you will panic like some lost child."

Ei had enough of Scaramouche's arrogance and now started asking him questions she thought would make him throw a fit.

"Tough talk for someone who can't leave Inazuma after losing the gnosis he was tasked to take."

Ei awaited rage to ooze from Scaramouche. But, he continued to look entertained from everything, he gave Ei a smirk, "I was never tasked to take that Gnosis. As of now, I am no longer a harbinger, yet now, I'm no one but a wonderer."

Ei never expected the Scaramouche to betray the Fatui when Scaramouche was the type of personr p wish nothing but control and chaos. Ei then slowly turned her eyes to you, as if to signal something.

'I will have to kill him'

You knew those eyes, She was already certain to kill Scaramouche. You grabbed Scaramouche close to you and pleaded to Ei to not continue. She saw your panicked face and decided to drop her intent just for a bit to let the situation go on and finally reach a conclusion.

The three stared at each other waiting for someone to make the first move.

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