Chapter 26

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Scaramouche held your hand that wrapped around his arm and grabbed you to closer.

"My... what a god you are... oh, you know when I killed those idiots from the Kamisato Estate, they all called out to their god expecting him to drop down from the sky and save them. Only to die with no one to hold them close, perhaps you have eaten too much dango lately?"

Ei who was on the verge of fury she was pushed to the limits by the taunts of Scaramouche that hit too close to home. But she held back.

"What? Come on. Kill me now."

She looked down the ground to give herself time to think. She then looked straight into Scaramouche's eyes with a more playful face than the man himself.

"Let us see who will be the one to suffer in the end."

She turned her face to Yae Miko who nervously looked back to her.

"Do it."

Yae Miko couldn't make out the words she wanted to say. She strongly disagreed to what Ei wanted to be done, but she cannot find a reason to why not, everything was all based on her emotion. She deeply sighed and nodded to Ei.

"Y/N..." Yae Miko called out.

You simply nodded. You got out of Scaramouche's embrace who was clearly confused by the current happenings.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked.

Ei observed Scaramouche's face amused by the quick change of his face, as the realization slowly creeps up to him.

"How do you think Y/N got in that shrine in the first place?" She asked. He turned to her still confused. "Y/N is no spirit by birth, just like many others... Y/N was born a mortal only bound into that shrine by..."

"You..." Scaramouche said, completing Ei's words.

Scaramouche then started following behind you. Which then turned to running with his arm extended to grab you back.


You didn't look back, you felt the ache in your heart as you hear his pitiful call. You continued to walk towards the two, doing your best to turn around.


Before he could grab ahold of your arm, a forcefield stopped him from his tracks, only letting you be the one to walk on.

Scaramouche desperately pounded his knuckles on it, that bruises started forming on his hands. His eyes were bloodshot red as the veins on his face and neck were close to popping out.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Get back here! Y/N!"

"Where are you going?! How could you!"


"Don't... leave me..."

Inside of the field, you cannot hear anything Scaramouche was yelling out to you. You for one last time, turned to him, which was a fatal mistake. You felt like your heart was being ripped into pieces knowing this was the final moment you will feel loved and feel alive.

You considered running back, but with that, both of you will get killed, if you were to do this maybe they will spare Scaramouche to let him suffer the consequences of his actions.

Why must life be so hard to live?

You completely turned your body to Scaramouche and finally smiled at him,

"I'm sorry... and...

I love you..."

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