Chapter 10

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"Who are you?!"

"It's him!!! The other person that day!!!"


You looked at Scaramouche confused, with his actions and current expression. He caught sight of your look and brightly smiled at you, he mumbled out a few words that only you were able to understand. "Everything will all be over soon..."

You clearly misunderstood his intentions. Your first thought was that he will kill you and the people here. But in reality, he wanted to do the unexpected.

One of the guards had enough of it and stormed towards you. You flinched in place and held up both arms from the guard's incoming attack.

However, not even a single scratch came to your body. The spear that was meant to impale you, stopped before it even came close. Scaramouche held onto the spear his eyes still amazed by you. He pulled the guard to another direction to avoid hurting you in the process of his moves. He pulled the spear from the guard and instead, pointed at the man himself.

"This mission, is of great importance, I will make sure to achieve perfection!"

He yelled out those words and pierced the man's body with his very own weapon. The man at first struggled and tried pulling away from the spear, but Scaramouche only continued to push, even timing it with the man's efforts to escape from the spear.

Still now, his head was filled with only you, his breathing, the beating of his heart, it was all because of you. He felt as if drugs were being injected inside his body continously.

The man's body limped for a few seconds more, until he no longer moved. Scaramouche pulled the spear away from the man's body. The body dropped down the ground, soon followed were the screams of a woman from the crowd of Estate workers, coincidentally the scream was from the dead man's wife. She went into an outburst, she wished nothing but to hold onto her husband's body, but she was held back by the people around her.

You looked horrified to the screaming woman. He just killed that woman's husband... tears welled up in your eyes as you started sobbing quietly.

Scaramouche caught sight of your expression and glared angrily to the woman.

"How dare you!"

He sprinted to the woman, the people around her had no time to react and only caught glimpse of her body impaled by the same spear used to kill her husband.

Instead of pulling out. Scaramouche pushed and pulled out from the woman's body, letting the people around her stare and see their friend's body being messed up again and again.

Tears rolled down the woman's body as her eyes stared blankly at the sky, she was already long dead from the first hit, but Scaramouche would not stop until he was satisfied.

"S-someone... stop him..."

"How could we possibly, stop such a monster..."

"I don't wanna die yet..."

Your body began to tremble from the horrifying scene in front of you.

Why is this happening... why didn't he just leave me... why...

Scaramouche then again pulled the spear out from the woman's body and pierced it to a random direction. He turned his eyes to where it fell upon. It was a lady who seemed to be in her mid 40's, this time, screams of children rang through the area.

"C-children.... h-h....ide..." The woman's body slumped down the ground, the children who were hiding somewhere headed towards her body, Scaramouche grinned widely as he got into a stance to make the children his next victim.

You finally had enough of this, and run towards Scaramouche, your wobbly running turned into crawling. You held onto his legs and looked at him with a frightened and begging expression.

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