Chapter 12

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Yae Miko spent most of her time in the sacred shrine. She watched over the lands of Inazuma from high above. She knew far well the happenings in Inazuma. She will only join in if she ever sees the situation very dire.

As she was contemplating numerous things in her mind, one of the shrine maidens run fast through the shrine. She fell down on her knees on the sandy ground just below the tree.

Yae Miko turned her body to the Shrine maiden. This was quite the daily occurrence since most of her Maidens are mortals and still have a low standard for what danger actually is. This did not last long as the Maiden soon explained the bloody massacre that took place in the Kamisato Estate.

"K-kamisato... Estate?" She again asked.

The Maiden continued her explanation but Yae Miko's mind wandered elsewhere.

- - -

Long long ago, you could say it was the golden age for the Gods and Spirits of Inazuma. They freely wandered the land with Mortals praying to them with kindness and truthfulness. That they who are prayed to will grant.

Yae Miko was one of them. Many prayed to her for good harvest and good health. As she wandered the lands of Inazuma, meeting many of different kinds. A particular child caught her attention.

This child was easily ill, with a body so weak the slightest movement will break this child instantly. The parents of this child wished nothing but to see their child run outside with the other children. The child's parents were quite poor. If they only had the money and connections, they could've stopped the body of their child to deteriorate even further.

Yae Miko placed her hand on the child's head. She focused herself to only the child. As she got closer and closer to the child's mind. A scene played out inside her mind.

Yae Miko immediately backed away from the child and held her hand tightly. She checked her hand and saw a light burn. What she saw was so vivid that it could easily bring her down into tears.

"What is wrong...?" The parent's asked.

She nervously looked at them. Trying to decide whether or not she should inform them of the vision she saw of the child.

"Your child will die in 2 weeks."

She lied.

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