Chapter 8

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Scaramouche stealthily headed to the shrine. He checked every direction for anyone approaching. As soon as he confirmed no one was there, he hurried to the shrine.

He checked each corner of the area, nothing. He brought his hands to his head, as a headache started pulsating thought. "Fuck! If only... If only, I left as soon as I got it..."

"This fucking shrine! If I wasn't so pulled- eh..."

Scaramouche stopped his movements. As if everything went by in slow motion, Scaramouche focused only on the shrine. That force he felt that pulled him here even causing the failure of the plan he worked so hard for, gone.

"Something is missing..."

As he was just about to come into a conclusion. He heard loud footsteps from behind him, he jumped into a bush and hid.

- - - -

You felt drowsy again, the mattress as so soft you could fall asleep the moment you closed your eyes. But as you were about to fall asleep, the door into the room crooked slowly open.

"Excuse me... !!!"

It was a lady. The bucket of water she held dropped the ground. Her peers rushed to her, checking what was wrong.

"That day... it was you!!!"

"What are you talking about?!" Her co-workers asked.

"That shrine incident! This person was one of them!"

After hearing them say such things, you forgot one crucial thing about Scaramouche's plan he explained earlier.

"Never show your entire face."

As you the realized your entire facial structure was on full display.

"Call the guards!!"

You started panicking. Scaramouche was still searching for the Gnosis, and you have no one here to at the least help you escape.

I have to tell them!

You tried speaking but just ended up wording out random sounds.

"Is this person, trying to cast a spell?! Guards!!! Hurry!!!"


Guards started surrounding the room you were in, except one side. You forced your legs to stand up and run outside the room. The entire estate chased after you who they thought was a witch that will lay curses on them.

Help me!!

INFATUATED [Reader X Scaramouche]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin