Chapter 14

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I am really sorry for not being able to update for the past few days. I've been taking some time for myself, and I have been studying 6 months worth of materials for a competition
I have 35 days to study well now it's 11 days but I just finished studying for 5 hours, so I decided to try update as much as possible

Ei continued her meditation in her own mind space. She would at times take a deep breath as numerous thoughts troubled her. With the shogun ruling over Inazuma, the problems continued to pile up. One of which was the case of a certain fox spirit getting released from their shrine. She clearly remembers Yae Miko's panicked state as the ceremony was commenced. This also brought a somewhat odd feeling to Ei. Yae Miko's sight that the fox spirit is the very piece that will leave Inazuma in a state of ruins.

"Is it fate, perhaps?" She mumbled, while still focused on her meditation.

- - - - - - -


You could hardly open your eyes from how drowsy you felt. It seemed alike from whenever you would sleep after a depressing episode of sadness. As you fully opened your eyes. Nothing.

Complete darkness.

Your body started shaking on its own. You were put into these kinds of situations as soon as you got out of that shrine, but now, you felt alone and weak.

As you pondered on what to do, you felt as if you were forgetting something very important. You continued to think and think, as numerous possibilities came up in your mind. You tightly held onto the blanket covering you, hoping that it will prevent you from getting dragged into the darkness.

You then heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming in, Y/N"

The door slid open, the light from outside seeped into the dark room. You turned your eyes to the figure who just entered the room. He laid down a tray of food to the side and grabbed something from outside. It was a lamp.

He held the lamp in his other hand and the other tightly held onto the tray of food. This man slowly approached you from the darkness, his face completely hidden due to the darkness. The only thing you could see was his hands slowly coming up to you.

He laid the lamp down and scooted down close to you.

"I'll help you get up."

He held onto the back of your neck and body and supported you to get back up. You wanted to see his face due to the fog covering some part of your memories.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring so hard at me like that- ah perhaps, have you forgotten my face already?!"

His change of voice caused you to flinch for a bit as the resonance of his voice left a grim chill on your body.

"Sorry, sorry, I did not mean to scare you like that."

He grasped your hand and rubbed his thump in a circular motion. You felt oddly uncomfortable from everything and slowly pulled you hand away. He seemed shocked, but went back to normal after a few seconds.

"Do you really not remember me...?"

This man... I remember his face... but, why can I not remember who he is... and why won't my voice come out... what is happening...

After thinking some time with his question, you decided to shake your head left and right to indicate you truly do not know him.

"You can't be serious... after... after all the things we've gone through... you will forget about everything..."

Gone through...? Is this man...

The man knelt down to your legs, as he sobbed uncontrollably. You wanted to push him away, but his cracking voice made you, that you did not have the heart to push him away.

He slowly lifted his head for a bit. You wanted to see his face, but the darkness clouded your vision. He opened his eyes and said the very words you wished last to hear.

"I am your lover Y/N."

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