Chapter 30

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A few years had passed ever since the death of Yae Miko spread through out Inazuma. In the first few weeks, everyone who knew her closely mourned. The people prayed to the skies as sadness loomed across the land. The next few weeks, only a few brought the topic up. A few months... years... she became nothing but a tale everyone believed to be nothing but a belief by small children who wish to see a mystical fox.

Today, was a normal bright day, nothing out of the ordinary. In the now newly build Kamisato Estate laid a shrine the Shogun held dearly. All the people working in the estate wondered what special attachment their Shogun had with an old shrine that has been sitting here for years, despite nobody praying, she commanded the leader of the estate themself to keep it neat and tidy everyday.

"I wonder why the Shogun holds this shrine dearly?" A worker asked, she knelt down the ground with a wet rag on her hand as she wiped the old yet intricate legs of the shrine.

"I actually talked to some old man in town yesterday..." Her friend asked. "What did he say?"

"He said that... "


"Two spirits are bounded in this shrine."

The worker looked at her friend dumbstruck when she then let out a burst of laughter.

"If thats true, we should be having many visitors to pray!"

"I know it sounds crazy! But what other reason could it be? And... the reason why the Shogun is so attached with this shrine..."


"Do you know about the tale of yae miko?"

"Yeah... the fox who saved Inazuma from great peril, but passed on while doing so?"

"Yeah... the old man told me that Yae Miko was very close with the Shogun..."

"Ppshh... no way-"

"What are you two doing?"

The two workers turned their backs and there saw the Shogun herself. They immediately shot up and bowed their hands.

"What can we do for you, All mighty Shogun?"



"I wish to be alone."


The two workers brought their cleaning materials up as they scattered away.

Now, Ei only remained close by the shrine. She placed her hand on the red wood of the shrine and thought deeply.

"Are you happy with what I am doing, Yae...?" She mumbled.

"To give your life to these two... I simply do not know what you are thinking... but, I am willing to do everything to protect the very thing you sacrificed your life to... if you are ever reborn... come to me again and I will welcome you with open arms."

INFATUATED [Reader X Scaramouche]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant