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This was so fun to write so I hope you enjoy it! I know this is a few days late but i hope you can still enjoy it!

After sitting in traffic for hours Harry had finally reached the airport. It was LA so he didn't know why he expected any different. Luckily he was just in time, Louis should be landing in about 15 minutes.

Harry quickly made his way through the airport, towards the designated meeting area for arriving passengers.

He sat down nervously in his chair watching as people slowly came and went. An old woman slowly walked out, her grandchildren all enveloping her in a hug. A younger-looking boy with pale blond hair came out to meet a woman. Although much to Harry's dismay he seemed quite unhappy.

As Harry watched a small group of young teens, a young man with fleeting brown hair took a seat with his daughter a seat away. His daughter couldn't have been more than 2 and was dressed in a frilly pink shirt and a pair of leggings. The young girl stared at Harry, a small smile forming on her face as he waved at her.

Smiling, he covered his eyes with his ring-adorned hands, opening them again to make a funny face at the young girl. The girl made grabby hands towards Harry wriggling in her father's arms.

"Lucy." chuckled the man wrapping his arms around her small torso.

"Do mind if she sits with you?" he asks, handing her toward Harry's outstretched hands

"I'd love to!" He took Lucy in his arms plopping her on his lap

"Are you here to meet your mommy?" He cooes tickling her in the sides as she let out a small giggle.

"We're actually here to pick up my husband," the man replies proudly sitting a little taller but shoulders tense.

Harry watched the man eye Harry carefully to read his reaction

"Really?" He exclaims excitedly turning to the man. "What a coincidence I'm meeting my husband here too! I'm Harry by the way."

The man laughs at Harry's enthusiasm, "I'm Robert". The tension in his shoulders releases and he relaxes in his seat.

"How many children do you and your husband have?"

"Just Lucy, we hope to have a son in a few years too."

"Wow that sounds so fun! My husband and I have really wanted to have children for quite some time now but it's just not applicable to our lives. " he frowns soberly, while Lucy plays with the drawstrings on his shirt. "We travel between London and LA so a child wouldn't have the consistency they may need to thrive."

Robert nods. "How old are you snd your husband Harry?"

"I'm 27, my husband is 30,"

"You two have plenty of time!" Robert exclaims a smile lighting up his face. "Jack and I are both in our early 40's and had Lucy about a year and a half ago. Don't worry, things will work out in the end." He murmurs, patting Harry on the shoulder

During their conversation, Lucy had snuggled into Harry's shirt and had fallen asleep.

"Hey goosey Lucy," whispers Robert trying to wake his daughter. "Daddy's here," he murmurs and her eyes instantly pop open, alight with joy.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she babbles as a red-haired man walks over to Robert and Lucy.

Harry watches the two men converse with fondness. He hoped he and Louis could be like that when they reached their forties.

As the couple converses, Jack, peppering Lucy and Robert with kisses, a familiar face comes through the doors

"Haz!" calls Louis the minute the two make eye contact. Louis' bright blue eyes scrunched up, little wrinkles forming on the sides as he runs towards Harry who meets him halfway. Louis is instantly in Harry's arms legs wrapped around him, as Harry peppered kisses on his husband's face.

Larry Stylinson One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora