Better Together

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Hi!! So I'm alive! I wasn't trying to abandon yall. I'm so so sorry it's been far too long since I've posted and I hope you can forgive me. Life can be life sometimes. I hope you enjoy!

Summary: Harry wakes up early to make cookies and Louis joins. (Quarantine era ish, early 2021)

Louis tossed and turned in his bed trying with no avail to fall back asleep. Desperately he reached over to Harry's side of the bed hoping that a bit of a cuddle would help ease his thoughts and let him sleep. Although reaching over he realized the bed was empty. Opening his eyes he sees that the blankets are pushed back and they are all pulled over to his side of the bed. The faint sound of music echoed somewhere in the distance as Louis sits up, following the faint sound out into the hall. He could hear the faint music coming from downstairs as well as the faint smell of food. Cookies maybe? He followed the smell slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen. There he finds Harry with plaid PJ pants wearing the apron adorned with sunflowers; that Louis had gotten him for his birthday. He's twirling around, spatula in hand as the music plays through the speaker. Louis could stand here and watch him for hours. The epitome of light and happiness as he bounces from one foot to the other. His short brown curls bouncing on his head.

"What are you doing love?" chuckles Louis walking into the kitchen to a pink-cheeked Harry. Louis hoists himself onto the counter opposite of Harry as the younger boy's whole face lights up like the actual sun. Louis doesn't think he'd ever seen anyone with such a bright smile until he met Harry.

"Cookies!" he says smiling even wider as he does a little twirl.

"Hey!" Harry scolds, instantly freezing mid-turn when Louis sticks his finger into the bowl of cookie batter. Louis just gives Harry a sly grin sticking the finger of cookie dough in his mouth.

"Lou, I needed that!" protests Harry his pink lips forming a small pout. Louis can't stop himself from melting. Harry pouting had to be one of the most adorable things he'd ever seen.

"It's just a finger love, It's not gonna hurt."

Harry doesn't respond just turning around with a frustrated grunt. He occupies himself taking one of his cookie sheets, placing it in the oven, before he turns around his attention back on Louis. Flour is smeared through his chocolate curls and a large smudge on his sweet nose.

"Come here Haz, you've got flour on your nose," chuckles Louis, reaching for Harry's long-arm adorned with tattoos.

Still pouting Hary moves towards the counter where Louis wipes off the excess flour.

"You're up early," comments Harry playing with Louis' small hands. Against Harry's his looks minuscule.

"You were down here, I couldn't sleep. Why are you up so early Haz? Its literally 2 in the morning."

"Well, I couldn't sleep and wanted to make cookies for the bake fair at the school in Clarkson. "

"That's so sweet Haz," Louis murmurs kissing Harry's jaw lightly. Harry was always so selfless. That was one of the first things Louis has realized 11 years ago when the two first met "We get to eat some though right??" he whines.

"Yes Lou," Chuckles Harry planting a kiss on Louis' small nose as the oven timer goes off.

"I've got to get them out love," whispers Harry inches from Louis' soft features. Louis grabs hold of Harry's arm hoping to urge him to stay. Not move. Let the damn cookies burn for all he cared he just wanted to stay in this moment for eternity. Harry doesn't seem to get the memo though because he turns around pulling the hot cookies out of the oven. His brow furrows as he pokes one with a long ringed finger.

"I don't know..." he huffs a frustrated sigh," I think I didn't add enough flour." another sigh escapes his sweet mouth. "Now they're all gonna turn out bad." A small pout begins to form on his soft lips as his shoulders slump in disappointment.

"Harry, love," reassures Louis jumping off the counter wrapping an arm around Harry's waist squeezing tightly. "I bet they'll be fine Harry." He says looking down at the cookies that look fine to Louis's un-experienced baking eyes. I mean he didn't care what it looked like as long as it tasted good. Presentation for him had always been secondary." How about we wait until they're cool and then we can judge them alright?"

"Yah," mumbles Harry hesitancy heavy in his tone.

"Mind some dancing while we wait?" asks Louis, not actually asking as he takes Harry's hands in his own pulling him into the open space of the kitchen.

The radio begins to play My Girl as the small pout on Harry's face disappears a smile taking its place.

What can make me feel this way?

Louis takes a hold of HArry twirling him around, his choclate curls spinning with his apron.

My girl

Louis smiles pointing at his boy, twirling Harry around again with his other hand.

They interlace their fingers again, jumping around the kitchen as My Girl fades out. If anyone were to look in through the windows they would see two boys recklessly dancing through a large kitchen as the outside night stays quiet watching the love pulse through the room.

As Rhythm of Love fades out, the two boys move towards the oven to inspect the cooled cookies.

Harry silently takes one pulling it apart inspecting its insides, before a proud smile washes over his face. "They're perfect!" he glows.

"Here Lou try it!" He urges, placing the warm dough in Louis' mouth; the warm chocolate melting as it hits his tongue. "Are they good?"

"Haz, they're amazing!" he sighs in contentment.

Harry just gives a shy smile a loose curl falling into his green eyes..

Lightly Louis tucks the curl away from his face. He doesn't know how Harry can be so perfect. There at 2 am in the morning, pajamas and sunflower apron; hair still messy from bed. His Harry, with his beautiful green eyes, big dimples, and even bigger heart.

"I love you, Harry." He whispers kissing Harry's soft pink lips. "I love you so damn much and never forget it," he murmurs capturing Harry's lips in another kiss.

"I love you too." Whispers Harry as Better Together begins to play in the background.

There's no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard

No song that I could sing, but I can try for your heart

Our dreams and they are made out of real things.

The two boys begin to sway to the music. Lost in each other's eyes. In the warmth of the moment.

Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart

Like why are we here? And where do we go?

And how come it's so hard?

It's not always easy and

Sometimes life can be deceiving

I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together

Louis quietly rests his head on Harry's shoulder as the two slowly move around the room. Jack Johnson continuing to sing through the small speakers.

Louis couldn't think of a better way to spend his morning. Wrapped in Harry's arms warm and safe. 

I hope yall enjoyed it! Remember that I love every single one of you. You are beautiful in all your own ways and don't let anyone tell you differently.

Questions? Story Ideas? Just want to talk? 

Find me on Twitter @ Lou28sunshine

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