They Can't Take What We Have

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Hi yall! I saw Louis last week and oh my god it was beautiful he is so talented and I couldn't be prouder. He's come so far.  I hope you enjoy this one, it's a little sad but it's a happy ending.

Summary: Louis comes home after resigning with SYCO and MODEST. Harry isn't too happy with his choices.

Louis walks into he and Harry's shared hotel suite letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Hey Lou," calls Harry from across the room. He's currently sitting curled up in a chair his long limbs tucked under him while he reads a book.

"Hey, that's my jumper!" chuckles Louis half-heartedly, noticing Harry's current attire. It was a good thing he bought the bigger sizes for his jumpers. He wouldn't know what Harry would wear if not.

"Hi love, how's it going?" smiles Louis walking over to press a light kiss to Harry's cheek. "Is that the book that fan recommended?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be something different to try. How was the meeting?" calls Harry as Louis walks into the kitchen. Louis had hoped Harry wouldn't bring up today's meeting with Management. Spending three hours among all their bs made him want to be sick and he didn't want to talk about it now. "Fine! Normal stuff and all" he calls grabbing some food from the other night. He should have known that Harry wouldn't take fine for an answer and would come into the kitchen full of questions he didn't want to answer.

"Lou, what'd you all talk about?

"We have a few interviews with James coming up and they're hoping to try and have us do some promoting of the album. Performance on X Factor in like November December. And they're trying to get another date of concerts for in Madrid and Rome."

Harry nods. "Cool, doesn't seem too bad." He says eyebrows scrunching "What else?"

"What do you mean what else?"

You were gone for hours and you've been acting weird ever since you walked through the door." Mutters Harry stepping closer to Louis eyes filled with concern. "Don't lie to me, Lou."

Louis looks at the ugly tiled floor biting his lip and pulling on a smile. He did this for Harry he reminds himself before letting the words tumble out of his mouth, "By next year you're gonna be a free man!" You'll get to go out into the world and be YOU."

"And the other boys?"

"Yep Niall and Liam too!"Louis smiles watching the smile grow on Harry's face before it quickly falters and their eyes lock.

"Louis." Whispers Harry "What'd you do?"

A pang of guilt stabs him as he bites his cheek. This was the part he was dreading to tell Harry. "Um, no, I resigned so you three could go live your lives." Explains Louis watching Harry's green eyes grow wide, anguish flooding his features.

"How long? He asks uncertainly as if he didn't want to hear the answer.

"5 years," Louis whispered looking up scared of what he would see.

"Five years?" Shouts Harry seeming to come to his senses. "Do you not realize how long that is? Why would you put yourself through all this hell for 5 more years?

"I told you, for you three."

"You never think about how your choices will affect those around you. You just act without thinking!" yells Harry face growing red.

This was not how Louis had expected him to react at all. He had expected him to be sad, disappointed even. Angry? No. "Harry I couldn't-"

"You said we were a team," whispers Harry, voice cracking.

Louis desperately is typing not to cry, he promised himself.

"Team's don't leave each other in the dust nor let each other suffer through hell alone."

"Harry, I couldn't just let you all suffer. I see how miserable you are. How hard it is for you to hide who you really are. I can't sit around and watch them take pieces of your soul away. Watch you crumble in front of my eyes- you don't understand." he gasps tears threatening to fall, "I love you too much to let you suffer just because we're a team." Louis watches tears begin to form in Harry's too-green eyes.

And that's it he can't hold back his own tears. Letting them drip down his cheeks onto his collar.

"Why? We could've been free you and me and you just go throw it away! I don't want you- Lou why'd you do this?" Asks Harry desperately grabbing hold of his smaller hands. "Do you think I can watch them hurt you? Watch you come home with bruises on your arms."

Louis took a look at his arm where bruises were beginning to form.

"The look in your eyes, Lou. Do you know how much it kills me to see the light in your eyes disappear?"

Tears were now streaming down both of the boy's faces. Louis couldn't lie to himself, he was scared for the next five years. It hurt to think what would happen but right now all he cared about was to stop Harry's tears.

"Do you think I wanted to?" he asks looking up into Harry's red eyes "Harry, I wasn't- this was for you. It was the only option- please" he whispers brushing Harry's long brown hair from his face and cupping his cheek. "Listen to me, I know this isn't what either of us wanted but this is our reality. I promise we're gonna make it okay? I love you Haz, I love you so much and this isn't going to get in the way. I promise okay?

"Promise? Whimpers Harry pulling Louis into a hug.

"Promise" Louis whispers back, letting his tears soak through Harry's jumper (his really).

After what feels like hours their tears dry and the room becomes silent but neither let go. Holding on to each other like there was nothing else in the world. Every atom within their soul relied on the other. HArry was Louis Anchor and even when they fought he knew Harry would always be there to ground him. He would always be there to guide Harry. A fight couldn't break them.

"Do you want to go get food?" he whispers into Harry's jumper.

"Do we have to go out?" he hears a muffled Harry murmur back.

"No, we can get something delivered, stay in movies and cuddles?

"Yeah, Id like that." Says Harry a small smile forming on his face as the two break the embrace

"I love you H, were gonna get through this together," Louis says kissing Harry lightly on the cheek before going to find his phone. 

"I say, love, don't need nothing, left them something, worth fighting for" -Beautiful War, Kings of Leon

Remember you're beautiful in all your own ways and don't let anyone tell you differently. I love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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