Chapter 19

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My eyes widened as I saw Viktor standing in front of the exit. I instinctively looked away, closing my eyes.

-"What are you doing here..." He said in a cold tone.

I chuckled as i rubbed the back of my head.

-"Well, there's no point in hiding it from you i guess."

I turned back to face him and opened my eyes.

-"I payed my Father a visit."

His face slowly decomposed itself at the mix of my relevation and new appearance.

-"You are ... Singed's daughter?" He asked in disbelief.

-"Yeah, the second one he kept a secret from everyone." I walked towards him and stopped next to him.
-"I replacement for Rio... His dirty little secret."

-"You killed him didn't you?" He whispered.

-"My father passed away a long time ago. There's no one to kill Viktor. I should be the one asking what you're doing here but we both know the answer. I'll find a solution." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

He turned his head towards me as he suddenly waved his hand in front of my eyes. I let go of him and chuckled and i started walking away, looking back at him with a slight smirk as i stopped at the beginning of the stairs. His eyes widened in realization.

He caught up to me as we walked through the underground railroads.

-"You regained your vision because of him. I thought it might've been time but i recognize that color anywhere."

-"Hm? Really? What is it?" I asked.

-"His modified version of the Shimmer. He only had a few vials left." He whispered.

-"How come you know about that?"

His eyes widened as he stopped realizing he blew his cover. I stopped and turned back around to face him.

-"You really thought I didn't know? How naive..." I said looking at his leg, then gloves hand and back up to his face.

I chuckled again as I turned my back to him.

-"You're not human anymore either. You can't judge me. At least i still am partly human unlike you." He yelled.

Achlys looked back up as her eyes glowed in the darkness. A devilish smile appeared on his face.

-"Who said anything about judging? But you're right ... I'm probably not human anymore. I haven't had the chance yet to test myself out... So be careful who you're calling a monster pretty boy." I said as i began walking again when my legs suddenly gave in.

~~~~~~~ Vi

Jinx and i returned to find the door wide open and an empty bed. Jinx's smile slowly disappeared. We suddenly heard a scream in the distance. I looked back to find Viktor yelling at us.


A gust of wind suddenly passed next to me as I saw blue braids passing next to me.


We arrived at Viktor's position.

-"I lost track of her, she was too fa-"


I pulled out my gun as a laugh echoed through the empty street.

-"You're a scientist but ya ain't that clever pretty boy~"

My eyes widened as i made eye contact with her.

-"Hey sweet cheeks~" She said in a flirty tone as she came out of the shadows.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt