Chapter 3

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" They've passed on their hatred for you ... Through the descendants of the council... Who would've thought ... I'd fall for my sworn enemy."

I looked at her completely shocked.

"You're ... A descendant of Mel ... And Jayce?"

"... 20th generation ... Listen... This plan... Wasn't my doing ... I was ... A mere pawn. The council... Is alive and after you... Only you."

I clenched my fist as she looked down at them.

" Your ... Energy ... Feels different..." She said coughing up blood again.

I looked back at her neutrally.

"What about it?"

"... It's cold... Looks like i blew your flame out... Hero." She whispered

"Hero ...?" I said chuckling. "Looks like you were the one fooled by me... I've never been the Hero. People were just worse than me... Also, don't take all the credit... Your betrayal was nothing compared to hers ..."

She suddenly began chuckling.

"You ...? The villain...? No... You'd never ..."


I looked at Achlys.

"... I recommend you to stop. I might burst the bubble of the perfect image you've made of me in your head... If you wanna die peacefully, i suggest you die in silence." She said turning her head back towards me in a death stare i had never seen before this.

I was surprised by how cold she was.

"You don't scare me-"

Vala's eyes suddenly widened as a sharp pain invaded her body.

I looked up to find a metal beam through my stomach and Achlys holding the end of it. On her face... Nothing... Not a sign of emotion.

"That's your mistake..." She said looking at me.

Why ...?

"I'm sorry things had to end this way kiddo..." She continued.

I looked at Achlys in shock as all the memories came back.


"YOU'RE JUST A FAILURE!"Screamed father hitting me to the ground.

"Please dad! I tried my best!"

He grabbed me by my collar.

"You need to BE the best. Not try."

He threw me back on the ground and left me alone with my tears.

I just want to be loved ... Why am I not good enough...


-Time skip- 14 years old


"Ugh why do I need to come with you Elysia?! This stupid Zaun City-"

I bumped into a vase of a street shop as i was rambling alone and not paying attention.

"HEY! you're gonna pay for that!"

"Sorry, i don't have anything on me-"

The shop owner suddenly raised his fist up as i closed my eyes out of fear.


"Yurt ... I don't think you want to do that to a young lady... Do you?" Said an unknown female voice.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora