Chapter 28

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I was going to stand up but she had already shot. The blast was so strong that our ship was destroyed. Jinx and i were free falling as i watched the bomb explode into Zaun.

"NO!" I screamed out unable to do anything.

I looked to my left to find Jinx in shock and realization of what she just did.


What did i do... I messed it all up ... Again.

The sounds of screams and buildings falling haunted me.

I suddenly felt arms taking me into an embrace...

My eyes widened to find Achlys holding onto me as we were free falling head first towards the ground. Her strong arms holding onto me so dearly even though I've hurt her so deeply.

I put my head against her chest while slowly hugging her back in silence.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as the wind wiped my tears away.

I hid in her chest even more as i clutched onto the back of her shirt.

"I just wanted to remember..."

Her arms tightened around my shoulders.

"I know." She whispered back.

My eyes Widened at her response. I looked up at her in surprise. Her hair flowing through the wind as she watched me back with tears running down her face.

She's ... Crying ...?

I made her cry ...?

The sound of explosions and screams slowly muffled out as she was all that mattered in this moment. I looked behind her at the rapidly approaching floor.

We're going to die because of me...


Not like this...

I looked around trying to look for something i could use to save us from this deathly fall.

I need to save us!


My eyes widened when her hand brought my face back towards hers. Her face said it all...

There was nothing I could do...

My eyebrows furrowed as tears streamed down my face when I could clearly see how betrayed she felt by my actions.

... I'm sorry.


"I love you ..." I whispered caressing her face before I kicked her away from me as a way to ensure her safety one last time.

There was no saving me in this fall.

I looked at her with a smile as her eyes widened.


I closed my eyes accepting my faith as i heard her screaming in pain.

Guys, I'm finally going to see you all again...

I'm grateful for remembering everything...

I'm grateful for you Achlys... You loved me even though I jinxed your life along with mine...

I will never forget you again...

Thank you for everything...

"Forever and always..." I whispered one last time

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now