Chapter 13

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I looked back at the boy in silence. His determination wasn't faltered by my threats.

I chuckled and threw the hunting knife at him.


He caught it barely and looked back at me.

"That axe is too heavy for you, take that instead." I said before walking away.

The child ran after me.

"Are you not going to kill me?" He asked walking next to me, struggling to keep up my pace.

"I'm not going to fight a child, who do you think i am?"

He suddenly grabbed onto my sleeve as we arrived at the edge of the broken bridge. I looked back at him over my shoulder.

"I'm scared..."

I observed him as he took a hold of my bloodied hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said looking down at him.

"I don't want you to leave me!" He exclaimed holding onto my hand even more.

I rolled my eyes and walked away with the crotch goblin holding onto me. We walked through Zaun when I saw him rubbing his eyes.

He's tired...

"We're stopping here for tonight." I said pulling my hand away and putting down my jacket on the ground.

The child laid himself next to me as i played with my ring. I was observing it when I felt something on my lap. I looked down to find the child on my lap sleeping.

Are children really that unaware of their environment to lay on the lap of their family's murderer ...?

I observed him sleeping soundly and peacefully, not worrying about a single thing and trusting me completely.

After a few hours, i awoke and put down the child on my jacket. I walked away back towards her with the bag.

"Hey Vala..." I said looking down at her headless body.

After removing the beam from her body, i took her head out of the bag and lined it up on her body.

"Sorry for borrowing your head..." I whispered as i cut myself and applied my blood on the wound.

Her head reattached itself, not leaving a trace. I then healed her leg and observed her. My blood could heal wounds even on cadavres but unfortunately can't resuscitate them...

You look almost asleep... So peaceful.

I observed the smile on her face and caressed the lock of hair out of her face before taking her into my arms. I walked her over to a hay pile that had survived on a hill and put her down on it.

Lighting up a torch, i looked back at her one last time.

"May the winds take you to better lands." I said before throwing the lantern at the hay pile.

I watched her burn, a fire so great before me as the wind took her ashes away towards burning Piltover. I walked back to the child letting him sleep on me once again as I turned my head towards silently burning Piltover with a serious look on my face.

"This is only the beginning of my wrath... An era of Destruction is coming."

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now