Ch 5

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Adenzia's Pov
I was trying to see my opponent's weakness but I couldn't find it.
He was tall ,scary and he looked just jacked  .
dangggg boyy how much he works out .
All of a sudden He punched me but I dogged  and kicked him in the leg.
He grabbed his leg and I punched him.
He got up and tackled me nd kept punching me repeatedly
I coughed up blood.
The pain in my face and in the rest of my body.
I kneed him in the stomach and I studied him.
He kept grabbing his left side.
I think I just found his weakness.
I punched him in the side and when he kneeled I punched him in the face as hard as i could.
The whole room went silent.
I knocked him out.
I smiled at Ryder.
He gave me a nod and he smiled.
I went up to him.
" Congratulations Zia, you won yet again."
" Yeah but my body hurts like fucking  hell" I groaned .
" Yeah, let's get you cleaned up alright."
We walked to my locker and he cleaned me up.
" God damn i look like absolute shit  but nothing makeup can't fix"
I had bruises all over my body.
  two bruises on my face. And 5 bruises on my legs.
Don't even get me started on my stomach.
But then again every time I have a fight it takes two weeks to heal but for me, I don't want to be home alone so I just go to school.
When I just had a fight I'm normally burned out of energy.I just wear my hair in a messy bun  (or in double dutch braids ) and wear clothes that cover my body.
" C'mon we have to go to the hospital and see if anything is broken" Ryder wrapped his arm around my waist gently and helped me walk out of the locker rooms.
Soon before I know it I'm asleep in  the car.

Ryder's pov

While Zia was asleep I felt bad.
She shouldn't have to fight or get hurt like this.
I told her that I'll just fight and I'm pretty sure I can make plenty of money for Her,Esma and i.
You see, I don't want them to have a hard life like i did struggling to get money even if i got hurt.
I had a hard life growing up.
My dad died before I was born but everyone told me I look just like him and even act like him.
Which I take as a compliment.
My mom had different guys around her every night and did crack and any other drug she could find.
She drank and did drugs.
She even disappeared for days at a time, sometimes even weeks or months.
With every guy she brought over, the anger builded up with every drink she drank.
I got madder.
With every drug she took the more control I lost.
I finally took all that anger out when I got into my first fight in the illegal fighting scene.
I put 3 guys in the hospital.
Then after that I became well known in the underground settings.
Fights and money.
Honor and respect.
I did what I had to do.
I fell hopelessly in love with the most beautiful girl I've ever met.
Esmeralda or as everyone knows as Esma.
She's confident, loyal, feisty, and smart.
She hates school but she makes Zia and I do it anyway.
Adenzia what do i say about her?
She's beautiful duh but she's skilled and hot tempered. She keeps her cool and she's selfless.
She hates it when people are too full of themselves.
Or even if people are rude.
She's the best female fighter in the underground. I'm the most skilled male fighter in the underground.
Power couple People say but no i don't love her in that way she's like a little sister to me.
Which is why I don't want her to work.
Or get hurt.
Like Esma.
When I was younger I used to steal drugs from my mother and sell them just to pay our landlord.
I used to sell them pills like they were skittles and I always made a lot.
Normally just some rich high schoolers every Thursday or friday the other times some girls in clubs or bars.
The others were just random people.
I made a lot of money selling drugs and when I was about to move out of the house.
The money was gone and my whole life's savings were gone.
Wanna guess who took it all?
Yep, you got it right my mother.
Serrina FUCKING Washington the Ex rich barbie who got everything she wanted with a snap of her finger.
Daughter of Senator David and Clarissa washington.
She took all of the money I've worked for just to get out of the downs.
The woman I hated more than anyone in the world.
I get it I'm a mistake of you and my father when you guys were in high school.
The guy from downtown and the girl who was from uptown.
But that was no reason why you took my life savings.
After that, I moved to my friend Max's house.
I wasn't even going to stay there because that woman ruined the chance of me getting my own house of my own and instead of struggling.
Max was 18 and I was 16.
He was like an older brother to me.
He taught me some things here and there about fighting but Brody taught me the rest.
Too bad he moved away to Miami Florida after he and Adenzia broke up.
Yeah, they used to date, they were like pickles and lime hot Cheetos.
Don't knock it before you try it because that food combo is surprisingly good.
" Zia" I called her name trying to wake her up.
" Hmmmmm?" she moaned.
" Wake up, we're at the hospital. We need to know if anything's broke alright?"
" Fine" she yawns and stretches.
" Can you walk?" I ask.
" Um yeah, I think so."
We get out of the car and Adenzia trips a little.
" Zia, are you sure you can walk? ''I go over to help her.
" yeah, my leg was just asleep ya know?" She stretches and starts walking to the entrance to the hospital.
I follow her

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