Ch 20

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Four weeks later( Day of the shipment and Esma’s birthday)
Adenzia’s pov
For four  weeks I’ve been training and I even went on a few shipments with dad and Selena taught me  almost everything about assassinating someone .
I mean it was easy since I knew how to shoot a gun and fight but now I’m more trained.
They asked Ryder,Esma and I if we wanted to join the mafia, Ryder hesitated But Esma answered for us. Yes. Ryder was still hesitant but he joined willingly.
So right now I just finished my training with Ryder,But Ryder said he wanted to speak with me in private.
“ You okay?” I ask.
He nodded “ It’s just today’s Mine and Esma’s Anniversary and birthday and I know what I want to do but i’m nervous”
I laugh and playfully punch him in the arm “ It’s okay,You could give her a paper bag and she would be happy”
He takes a shaky deep breath and I feel worried. Ryder never worries about what to do on their anniversaries
“ What’s wrong? You seem hella nervous”.
He takes a deep breath and pulls out a dark blue velvet box
No-Holy shit
I smack him in the arm “ You're going to propose?”
He smiles and nods “ I know for a fact I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I’m in love with her and there will be nobody else. And I saw her with a kid yesterday and I just knew I want to marry her and later in life have kids with her”
My heart melts. I want them to get married so bad because I mean they've been dating for more than 5 years.
Then I remember something “ Today’s the shipment”
“ Oh-” Ryder starts.
“ No no no no. You're not going to the shipment. Understand? You're going to get engaged to Esma.”
“ The shipment is at 10pm and I’m going to propose at 9. I already set everything. But as soon as the shipment starts you call me. Promise me”
I nod my head. “ I promise” 
I knew there was no arguing with him. Because I know him too well.
“ Do you have everything set up?” I ask.
He nodded and told me about the layout and he showed me their ring.
I cried. The two people I love most in this world. Getting married.
My phone buzzed and I checked it.
A text from Esma Asking me if I could help her get ready.
I whipped my tears and hugged Ryder and then I ran to go meet Esma.
It was 6pm and everybody was out except Selena.
Selena is helping Esma get ready with me.
I went upstairs and Esma’s Hair was in curlers. Selena was already doing her makeup.
“ Heyyy” Esma and Selena said at the same time.
“ Okay that's weird how you too say the same things at the same time”
They just laugh.
A girl with Red ginger  curly hair and Ivory skin somes in the room.She has Dark brown, almost black eyes.
 She’s wearing black leggings and a gray cropped  hoodie.
“ Hi? Are you Adenzia?” She asked me.
I nod my head “ Yeah…Oh god i thought it was oregano not weed” I say holding my hands up to surrender.
She laughs “ No, i’m Cole and Marco’s friend  Layla Battson”
“ Oh hi,I’m Marco’s Girlfriend”
She laughs “ I know he can’t seem to stop talking about you”
“ really!?” 
She nods, smiling.
Selena looks over and squeals “ LAYLAA” She throws herself in Layla’s arms and hugs her. Laya laughs and Hugs her back.
“ How are you!? Why the hell haven't you texted me?”
Layla apologized and hung out with us as we helped Esma get ready.
“ So how long have you and Marco been together?” Layla asked me.
“ Uh about a month but we broke up one”
“ Yeah, I know. He was super depressed and he missed you so much. He called himself practically every name in the book and said you deserve better”
I feel a pang in my chest. He said that?
She  must’ve seen how sad I looked and she pulled me in a hug. “ He’s really happy now.Please don’t ruin that”
I nod “ I won't. He’s my person and he makes me the happiest i’ve ever been and I feel whole with my new life”
Esma is done getting ready a few hours later and Ryder is picking her up.
She looks absolutely stunning. Her soft gold dress and her black and purple hair curly and her lips a nude matte color.
“ Esma you look stunning” I tell her.
“ WAIT,Something’s missing” Selena says and puts a diamond clip  in her hair.
By all of the things Selena has, I'm guessing the diamonds are real.
Esma pulls us in a group hug and thanks us for getting her ready.
We walk Esma down the stairs and there's Ryder,waiting for her. My heart fills with joy.
She looks at him like he has her life in his hands and he looks at her like a blind man seeing the world for the first time.
When they walk out the door I cry. Not in sadness but in pure happiness.
I’m happy for them and I know those two are going to cry when Ryder pops the question.
“  Are you okay?” Layla asks me.
“ He’s going to propose. It’s their anniversary and I'm happy. Oh god,Marco’s gonna get jealous his husband is getting married”
“ Oh my god! Really?”
“ Hey whatcha doi-H-h-hi” Cole comes in happily but he stops himself in his tracks and starts blushing like crazy.
I look where he’s staring at and Layla is blushing too.
I ship.
So we hang  out and Cole and Laya just disappear.
I go upstairs and I hear Laya making noises.
What the hell is she doing? 
I go into the room where I hear Laya making these noises and I see Cole and Laya naked and Cole on top of her.
Laya’s moaning and Cole is thrusting his hips into hers and she’s moaning his name.
“ Cole,oh fuck. Right there”
I quietly leave. I’m guessing they're more than just friends. I mean he’s been gone a lot.
I decided to go change  my clothes for the shipment.
I put on a black pair of pants and a black bustier and Marco’s leather Jacket.
I put my curly hair into double braids and put on some of Esma’s Plum matte lipstick.
Honestly I think Plum is my color.
Esma’s Pov
I don't know where Ryder is taking me but he's nervous.
I take a shaky deep breath.
"Okay, close your eyes and I'll lead you" Ryder says gently, squeezing my hand.
I do. He took me out to dinner and to the park where he first asked Me to date him and then he kissed me.
And now we're in the car. It's too dark to see outside and it's dark and there's lightning.
It's probably gonna rain later. 
He leaves the car. My eyes and still closed and he opens my car door 
He puts a soft satin blindfold on me and then leads me out of the car.
It's chilly and I shiver and Ryder puts his hand around me warning me up.
He makes me walk a little bit further and we stop.
He gets behind me and says "Open your eyes mi mundo"
I slowly opened my eyes and we were  on the  beach and I saw candles lined out saying something.
I look closer and it says.
I turn around shocked and I see Ryder on one knee and he has a blue velvet box with a huge diamond ring inside.
My hands go to my lips like a slap and tears form in my eyes.
"Esmeralda Mendoza, you're my best friend and my lover. You're the love of my life. I know we're only 19 but I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up to you every day and I want to make you smile and laugh every single day. I want to have children with you and I want to worship you like a fucking godess like a queen every day and night. I Want to grow old with you and I want to be your husband.  So I'm on my knee for you asking you to be my wife and let me be your husband"
He said confidently and he had tears in his eyes.
I nod my head "Yes. YES I WILL MARRY YOU" I shouted.
He smiles and he rises kissing me.
I'm crying because I'm happy.
He puts the ring on my finger and I raise my hand to my face to see the ring.
I kiss him all on his face.And then finally his lips.
He holds me in his arms, not letting me go and I feel a Burst of happiness.
Then the realization hit me hard.
“ Nooooo You're just imagining things” Ryder says to me in a sarcastic tone.
I slap his arm “ Shut up”
He just laughs and kisses the top of my head. I’m still staring at the ring.
“ How did-”
“ Lorenzo and Sophia helped”
“ Wait we have to tell Ad-”
“ She knows.  That's why her eyes were a little red. Well that and because I think she ate an edible”
I roll my eyes “ Of course she did”
Pothead motherfucker.
I stand on my tippy toes and I still can’t reach his face.
I pout and he kisses me.’
For a whole hour we hang out and talk about memories.
I’m so fucking lucky, I’m getting married to the one man I love.
Buzz Buzz
Ryder picks up his phone and answers “ She said yes”
I could hear Adenzia talking and Then Ryder got up.
“ Alright, we're on our way” he said then he hung up.
“ What's happening?” I ask,He pulls me up and we're on our way to the car.
“ The shipment is about to happen and Adenzia sent me the address to a warehouse”
“ Ryder-”
“ There’s clothes and a new pair of shoes for you. I already planned everything”
“ Ryder- We have no guns” I say getting into the car. He already started the car and he’s driving
“ Yeah we do. As I said I planned everything”
I go in the back seat and I change into the outfit he packed me with.
A pair of Black stretchy jeans and a black shirt and a pair of black running shoes with a pair of clean socks.
I change and then I check the guns.
We have a machine gun and pistols-Aw I know he loves me now.
He got me new knives.
I manage to put some knives around my thighs and a gun or two on the belt around my waist 
I climb back into the seat next to Ryder.
“ You changed and have your guns and you knives”
I nod happily and lean and kiss his cheek and whisper “ Gracias Amor”
He smirked and grabbed my hand and hissed it sofy.
“ Whenever we go into this warehouse you don’t leave my side. Understand?”
I nod. I know he doesn't want me to get hurt and to be honest I need to protect him too.
“ Good. Were here”
I see Adenzia waiting by the warehouse door.
She waves at us and we rush to her.
“ If you guys want to leave I understand.” She says to me.
“ I know but we are not leaving. We're family.’
We go into the warehouse and a team of people are in a group with Lorenzo.
We rush to them.
There are over 120 people and we’re all split up.
Adenzia’s Pov
I see a huge crate and it looks heavy and I know it’s filled with guns.
 then I hear gunshots.
I Pull Out my gun and we’re all running to the gun noise and dad begins to shoot people and I see Selena fighting someone.
I see a Lion member aiming his gun at me and I shoot him first he falls on the ground.
Then I ran, I don’t know where but I knew I needed to protect my family so I'm hiding and going to shoot people.
A guy is coming behind Selena and I shoot him.
Selena turns around and faces me and she smiles.
I smile back. Then I begin to shoot all the people who are trying to kill my family.
Then I feel pain in my side causing me to scream  and I check. Blood,I got shot.
I put my hand on my wound trying not to have too much blood come out.
Then I hear a high-pitch scream and I freeze recognizing the scream.
Esma. I turn and i wince,Fuck this wound hurts.
I make my way to Esma and Then my heart drops.
No-Please no-oh my god.
I see Ryder on the ground and Esma is crying,Ryder’s covered in blood.
I make my way to them not caring about the pain I feel physically.
I’m at Ryder's side and I fall to the Ground '' Ryder…” My voice trails off.
 Esma was shaking and she had tears coming down her face.
“ I’m-okay” He said grabbing mine and esma’s hands and gently squeezing it.
“ No you’re not, we need to get you to a hospital” Esma says trying to get him up but I stop her.
“ If you pick him up then more blood will leave his body” I say.
I feel dizzy but I can try to manage. She didn't notice my wound,Ryder didn't either.
His eyes fluttered open and closed and his breath started to go slower.
Tears burn in my eyes. Please make it,I can’t lose you.
I feel a pang in my chest and I cry. I feel so fucking scared.
“ I-Love-you,both” Ryder barely manages the words out and then his eyes shut.
“ NO” Esma screams and then I feel myself trying to stay awake but I can’t.
I lost too much blood and then everything went black.

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