three : white lies

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Amiri told Tristan briefly that this job was higher profile, and in our minds, more risks just mean more rewards

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Amiri told Tristan briefly that this job was higher profile, and in our minds, more risks just mean more rewards. He had been prepping his militia, selecting two men for it since the day we set foot in Boston. MFA was a test to see how dedicated they truly were to the cause. The cause being Amiri's constant urge to find the next biggest job—how could a disenfranchised, disregarded group of individuals work their way into committing some of the world's most detailed and airtight plans?

I sat with Tristan in Amiri's office as he begin writing up a contract for me. Signing off the first two jobs on both of our contracts before handing the crisp papers to us. I decided that if Tristan had a contract with Amiri since Italy, I only had one job left, too.  "Alaska. Juneau exactly. You two will receive invitations from Sabine. We will be infiltrating an art trafficking ring. The client requested a specific artifact-but that's not for you to worry about. What I want you two to do is create a diversion. Sabine said she was impressed with you guys playing happy couple so now I will put you to the test. All you have to do is distract Yousef Abdullah so Sabine can get through this door." He slides a thin picture in front of us of a golden accented door. "After she obtains the item, if anything goes south you are plan B. Secure the cargo regardless of security, police, FBI, NSA, fucking CIA. I don't care who it is, make sure Sabine gets off with the item. Got it?" I nod my head at him sternly. Trying not to break eye contact. He pulls two tickets sliding them in front of us. "The plane's going to leave tomorrow morning-0600 hours sharp. You have the rest of the day after your flight to recover and in the evening Sabine will prepare you guys to go to the event." A flashback of Oliver standing over me last night plays back in my mind.

I shake myself out of my daydream and grab my ticket running my finger across the name. Aria Davis. I get up and Tristan stays seated, I pause for him under the door's threshold. "I'm going to talk to Amiri for a second. Meet me in the room."

I nod at him before exiting his office. As I was walking down the stairs I noticed Sabine standing at the bottom of the staircase. "You earned this, too." She tucks a slim phone into my hands. "It's a burner. We need to be able to communicate with you from now on since you're signed as one of Amiri's private agents until the Alaska job is finished. After your contract is up, you are free to start another again...." She raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"Oh. Well, I think I should talk to Tristan a lot has been going on right now, and... I just don't know if it's a good time."

She nods at me before reaching to grab my shoulder lightly. "I have a four million-dollar job coming up next week. It would be great to have you join us."

Four.... "I appreciate it, I'll think about it." I flash her a shy smile before treading down the long hallway into the east wing. I walked into the bedroom door and set the cellphone on the dresser with my copy of the contract and my plane ticket for tomorrow. Ever since falling out of contact with everyone I wondered what lives they lead without me. Like there had been a beautiful newfound silence since my disappearance.

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