ten : tristan's solo mission

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I tuck my head inside my hoodie as my shoulder snags the side of a building

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I tuck my head inside my hoodie as my shoulder snags the side of a building. The address Oliver left me was down the street from the apartments tucked in the nooks and slim corners of tall buildings. Pulling my hands deeper inside the middle pocket, I began slowing my pace and glancing around. There was a circular area with dumpsters gathered. The only sound being my shoes against the concrete as I stopped walking. After a split second, Oliver appears from a building to my left. "Didn't think you'd actually show alone."

"Where's Elijah?" I spit.

"I'm right here." A man stepped out from the other side of him. Towering over my body. His lips part as his eye begins to widen. Hand raising to grasp one of my curls in his hand before I dodge away. "You dyed it. I didn't believe him when he said you went for red. It's... different, Jade." I analyzed his face, high cheekbones like mountain peaks resting on his face. We looked similar but... His long peacoat hanging over his shoulders with a tightly fitted suit pressed to his body. I turn to Oliver and scowl.

"That's not my name." I spit again, tucking my hands deeper inside my hoodie.

He nods his head, thick eyebrows raising on his forehead, "Yeah, Vanessa liked to do things like that. Lie. What else did she tell you? That Cory was your dad? Motherfucker looks nothing like you! He already had a kid. Sabrina. She fucking hated him so I'm guessing he had you, right?"

"You're insane." I pivot on my heel and begin walking away when a tight hand grasps my elbow jolting me backwards.

"Wren," Oliver places a few loose pieces of paper into my chest, "Just look." I yank my arm away, pulling the papers up to look at them. Birth Certificate... Jade Wren Parker...I've sen my birth certificate before though. Did my mom change my name? The name Elijah Williams next to Vanessa Parker in smaller lettering. "I have no reason to be lying to you about this."

How would he possibly have my birth certificate? I guess the only way would be if my mom really did leave him. "S-So, who the fuck is Miles?" I stutter, before looking down at the other paper. Elijah rolls his eyes before adjusting the slim fitted beret on his head.

"Someone you fucked with. Now, I gotta worry about taking care of his kids because I'm taking care of mine. You're welcome for that by the way—his unfortunate death." He nods, pointing to the other paper and approaching me slowly. "This is your mother and I's marriage certificate. The date there says 1999, a year before you were born and many before she married Cory. Now, Jade, I have been trying so hard to get to you and every time it feels like you've disappeared. Vanished."

I look between him and Oliver, "Why are you with him?"

He clears his throat, small beard clinging to his face. "I found him through Sabrina. She wasn't very happy. I had to trace you guys down from Washington. When your little friend said you fled to Boston, it wasn't long until I tracked you back here." He clears his throat and tucked his hands into his pockets, "I want you to join me."

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