fourteen : intermission

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shorter chapters for a lil like around 1k to 1.5k words ): sorry! Immortal's chapters were very long in comparison but prepare for some shit lol.

I pause darting a small glance over towards Sabine

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I pause darting a small glance over towards Sabine. "It's not a good time right now." I say, watching Tristan repeatedly call me on the other line.

He sighs deeply over the phone, "Well make it. You and Tristan need to come here at 6pm. I sent the address. He has family business to attend to with Oliver just like we have to deal with."

"What family business?" I shake my head, sitting up in the seat anxiously.

"Their brother's out of jail."


Elijah pauses for a moment and I can hear him speaking to Oliver indistinctly. "Yeah, the one from truth or dare he said." A memory washes over my mind as I watch the road unravel in front of me. Suddenly it feels like only yesterday I was sitting in that room with Oliver:

We take a shot, and I shake the feeling of alcohol burning in my throat away. "What's the worst thing you have done?"

His body tensed up, I can tell he regrets picking the truth. "Um," He pours another, "I let my brother take the fall for me on something stupid. He went to jail for three years and missed his high school graduation."

"Oh shit." My mouth forms into a circle with awe. "That's fucking crazy, I'm assuming it's a situation we don't speak on."

"No." He said with a smile.

I snap out of my flashback, mumbling quietly. "Shit.."

"Yeah, he's not too excited either. We haven't been able to make contact, hence why we need Tristan. Apparently they had a better relationship. But as of us, I need you home. ASAP."

"Home? You know what this sounds like to me?" I hold the phone tighter in my hand, "It seems like you're walking in to my life, picking and choosing the times where it's relevant for you to show up."

He sighs heavily into the phone, "A job is coming up, Jade. I need you to do it. It's something that requires a specific expertise. Long story short my team is fucking useless. Maybe my daughter won't be, you know?"

"Stop calling me Jade. I already have a job." I reply, watching Sabine turn down one of the streets leading to Amiri's house.

Elijah sighs again more heavily this time, "Not like this you fucking don't. You've never seen real money until you've done a job with me, sweetheart." I bite my lip anxiously as we approach Amiri's mansion. "Meet us at 6." He says as the line goes dead.

My eyes shoot up to meet with Tristan sprinting out the front door and towards the driveway. Feet carrying him to my door handle. He swings it open as Sabine comes to a halt. His hands placed into mine gently. "You okay?" Tristan says softly, caressing my fingers.

"Yeah. You were watching, right?" He nods his head slowly.

He sucks in air through his lips, combing a piece of hair out of my face. "Telling you to get the fuck out of there."

I chuckle, getting out the car and placing my palm against his chest. "I could hear you, don't worry." I close the door as Sabine pulls her barbie mobile into the garage. "We have some business to attend to with Elijah, he said you need to have a meeting with Oliver."

"He called you?" He furrows his eyebrows peering into my eyes. I nodded my head slowly, "Okay, let's talk about that later. Apparently Amiri has something to talk to me about before we go but you can come with. Soon we're going to have to get a car, Wren. This whole back and forth shit's getting annoying. So tomorrow, we're gonna get you the car of your dreams." He places a kiss on my forehead, hand wrapping snuggly around my head before he places his arm around my shoulder. Escorting me into Amiri's.

Amiri had been standing in front of his table placed with curled legs in the center of the staircases. Two men standing next to him, my eyes squinting to see who they were. As we approached Amiri he leaned up from the table and crossed his arms. "Tristan. Got some heat from a new gang that appeared in Cambridge. Apparently one of my scouts said they got your brother working for them, what's this all about?"

Tristan gulps as his arm falls off of my shoulder. "Yeah. I..."

My phone ringing causes Amiri to snap his head towards me, "How'd someone get that number?"

"It's .... my birth father. Elijah." Amiri pulls a gun out the back of his waistband approaching Tristan and I slowly. I look towards Tris who stands taller in his space as Amiri walks up with a clenched jaw.

Amiri holds eye contact with me, towering over my frame. His thin dreads tucked neatly into a ponytail while the veins popping out of his turtle neck began pulsing. "Tristan you knew about this?" He nods his head looking straight as Amiri begins pacing with the metal attached to his palm. "You mean to tell me... you guy have been in contact... For who the fuck knows how long with Elijah?"

"He reached out to me. Apparently he and my mom..." I look down as Amiri points upwards.

"Is that so?" Amiri scratches his head slowly, "Her name?"

"V-Vanessa." I say slowly. Watching his facial expression change over a few split seconds.

"Holy shit. Sorry for your loss." How did he know... He opens his arm, urging for me to come closer. I step towards him and he pulls me in for a side embrace. Using his other hand to tuck the gun back into his jeans.  "Well, welcome to the family. Niece." He says looking down at me intensely. His brown eyes with hints of gold staring deeply. "Small world." He laughs menacingly as chills fall across my body. My mouth sits slightly agape with widened eyes as I look over towards Tristan slowly. What.... the fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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