Chapter 3

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The palace was more opulent then he'd ever seen. Zen was used to the wealth and nobility since he lived at Qi's side, but most of the people who had large sums of money back in their country did not flaunt it quite so aggressively. Even Qi, who was likely soon to be given the title crown prince, only had on two rings and one earring. He was not one for trinkets or money, and hadn't even brought enough on their own journey in case they got delayed and needed to buy extra food. Thus, they had run out by the time they had entered the city. 

The front gates to the palace were a solid bright red steel that rose high above their heads. It took two men on each side to slowly slide it open with mechanisms. Once inside the massive main courtyard gold statues abounded, buddhas of all shapes and sizes guided them down a long, decorated walking path. That lead them past several different pavilions, all with shining plaques inscribed with one good virtue or another. 

His master had never bothered with putting phrases or sayings upon his home. Instead, he simply had healer posted above his doorway, and if someone ever sought him out who was ill or wounded, he would not hesitate to try his best to aid them. It mattered not if they were of noble blood or a simple beggar in the streets who had gotten into a tussle over food scraps. 

Looking over at his master, Zen couldn't help but smile warmly. The man was a gift to the world. The man was his world. 

"What are you looking at me for, Zen?" Qi asked with a curious smile of his own as they continued to follow the group in front of them. Prince Yuen had left as soon as they'd stepped inside the palace gates, but that was fine with him. The man just felt off, especially when he'd touched his hand earlier. 

Feeling a soft finger gently nudge a strand of hair away from his eye drew Zen's attention back into focus. He hadn't meant to get lost in his thoughts, and he realized right away that he had forgotten to even respond to his master's question as they'd slowed to a stop. 

He quickly bowed his head, but of course, Qi wouldn't let him remain leaning over for long. He placed a bent finger beneath Zen's jaw and lifted it slowly so that their eyes could meet. 

"We must go in and meet the emperor, Zen. Are you unsure of your current suppressed skills should something occur?" he asked, making Zen lick his lips and, after a brief moment of hesitation, shake his head. 

Qi squeezed his hand and nodded toward the entrance, then looked back at him. 

"Then we should not delay. Just be yourself," he said as he calmly guided him inside the massive gold and beige building they had arrived at. 

The party who had lead them there was stationed on one side of the large hall while several advisors and two young men in armor, possibly generals, stood on the other. To Zen's surprise, prince Yuen was nowhere to be seen. 

He let Qi guide forward as he used his eyes and the spiritual energy he was being lent to scan the area for any possible dangers. Hidden weapons abounded around them, especially on some of the eunuchs that stood close to the emperor, but it was highly unlikely that one of the men would try to harm them right in front of their ruler. 

They came to a stop a few feet away from the base of the large dais and finally released each other's hands. Zen was reluctant, because his ability was immediately cut off without Qi's consistent flow of energy, but he knew that they couldn't very well keep their hands joined while greeting the ruler of the country. Especially not one they were trying to maintain a very fragile peace with.  

He watched in silence as Qi pressed the top of his closed fist into his opposite hand and extended them forward to form a circle before bowing... but he did not move to mimic him. Zen remained standing straight, his attention on as many people as he could focus on while still remaining inconspicuous. 

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