Chapter 42

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Feeling a faint bit of pressure against the top of his head had Zen slowly pulling himself out of his light doze. He took a few minutes to gather his thoughts, then waited another few seconds before sitting up and blinking open sleepy eyes.

"We are almost to our destination, my Zen," came his master's voice from beside him, drawing his attention to his right as his lips tilted upward into a tired smile.

He intended to simply nod to acknowledge the man's words, then start focusing on trying to figure out his new body, but those thoughts disappeared before he could even consider acting upon them.

Had master always looked so... beautiful?

He wasn't aware that he was being rude and openly staring until Qi reached forward to brush some of his bangs away from his face, then settle that hand against his cheek.

"You actually feel very warm, love."

The clearly-worried tone in his voice had Zen quickly reaching up with his own hand to gently grasp his master's.

"I feel well," he said quietly, surprising Qi for only a brief moment before his smile returned and he reached forward to tug him into a gentle side hug.

"I am glad. Your appearance has changed, too, but as long as you are well, I am more than happy," he said before releasing him.

Zen took a few moments to assess what exactly had changed about him besides gaining a voice. He noted his new black nails, but didn't really mind them. They could use a trim, but that was really it. He could feel that two of his upper teeth had extended a little bit as well, but that didn't really bother him, either.

"I think my favorite part has to be your hair," Qi said as Zen paused, having intended to reach up toward his mouth to touch one of his newly-lengthened teeth. Instead, he diverted his hand to his hair and tugged a few long lengths of it in front of himself.

Qi held up a hand next to his and allowed his spiritual energy to glow slightly, giving him plenty of light to notice the dark purple highlights settled within his normally-pure black hair. It seemed a bit odd, but he quickly shrugged off that change, as well. His master said that his hair was his favorite thing about his interesting new appearance, so he would gladly accept it.

Looking up as he let the strands fall from his hand, Zen was about to say something when their spider started ascending partially upward abruptly, making him redirect his attention and reach forward to make sure that his master didn't fall.

"I am quite fine, Zen. I could sense that we were getting close so it was no surprise that we are beginning to surface now," Qi said, though he didn't try to free himself from the little side-hug that he was being given.

In fact, he even lifted one hand to take hold of Zen's arm that reached across his front to hold onto his opposite shoulder.

"Sit with me for our last few moments of peace," he said with a warm smile that made Zen immediately settle back up against him. It was a bit of an odd position since he had still refused to release his master, but he easily tucked his own left leg beneath himself and his right one partially behind the other man. It might have looked a bit odd, but he didn't want to let go just yet.

Qi seemed to find their positions entertaining, though, because he gave out a quiet chuckle as he turned toward him and gently reached over with both his hands.

"Come here, my Zen," he said as he gently tugged him into his lap.

He settled against his master as a faint light began to make itself know far, far ahead. They would be at the surface in just a few short moments, and yet... his mind was completely and utterly distracted. As Qi stared straight ahead, clearly focusing on where they were going, Zen couldn't help but notice the feeling of the man's left hand firmly grasping his right hip. Nor could he keep his mind from straying every few seconds as his master's hair faintly brushed against his left ear. Qi was calmly looking over Zen's shoulder, completely unaware that he was making his heart beat painfully hard against his ribs.

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