Chapter 22

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(I swear Pepper is always either judging me or seems high on something. There is rarely an inbetween.)

He couldn't allow it. 

Zen remained silent as he was carefully placed back within his body. It hurt him to watch how painful the process was for prince Yuen, since he'd needed to break off another piece of his soul in order to complete the ritual, but as soon as he was able move and breathe again, he hurried to sit up, then fumbled over to the sword the other man was walking toward. 

Zen grabbed it quickly, holding it to his chest as his body swayed on his knees with dizziness. 

"You are helping no one, little guard. I know that you feel for the boy, but his life had ended long ago. There is only an aggrieved spirit left, hellbent on revenge," prince Yuen said as he calmly knelt before him and held out one hand. 

"I will repent once our current dilemma is solved, but there is nothing I can do for him any longer. The best thing for him now would be to let his soul finally rest." 

Prince Yuen was just reaching for the hilt of the blade when Zen stood up abruptly and sheathed his weapon. Looking frustrated and tired, prince Yuen stood as well. 

I will discuss Xisheng's situation with my master before a decision is made. 

As much as he wanted to believe that there was something he could do to save the poor boy's soul, he was at a loss. So, he would speak with his master and allow the man to make the final decision. 

"You are a stubborn one, but I will not argue. Just, please, keep that blade sheathed until we are able to contain Xisheng's abilities safely," he said, earning an immediate nod from Zen. 

I will keep it contained, and I thank you for your assistance with my mistake. 

Prince Yuen sighed but smiled before reaching up to mess up Zen's hair. 

"Let us be off, then. Your master has likely gotten close to the palace by now and will need our help soon," he said, making Zen quickly fall in line at his side, but slightly farther back. The habit of walking with his master had somehow carried over to the other prince, but he did not mind.  

He began to get lost in his own thoughts as they moved, so when he suddenly felt an arm wrap tightly around his waist, his fingers flinched toward his sword. 

"Focus, Zen. Leave your wandering thoughts for another time," prince Yuen chastised as Zen hurried to hold onto the man as they began to be lifted by a length of vines. 

Darn plants. Of course you listen to him. 

His thoughts got a chuckle from the man holding him as they were swallowed up by the darkness above. 

The next thing he knew he was staring up at the night sky and loud festival music was being played somewhere close by. Bright red lanterns glowed around them as they stepped out onto a busy street. 

Ah, the annual lantern festival is going on. 

He had lost track of the days while they had been in Han. 

Zen was just about to begin heading straight for the palace when he felt cold fingers wrap around his wrist and tug him back against a wall. 

"Behave, you," prince Yuen said as he reached up to pull Zen's hood back over his head. 


Once that was settled the man checked his own, then took his hand to begin guiding him around the area. Zen wasn't too sure what prince Yuen was doing as they stopped at a candied hawthorn stall and purchased a stick, then milled about from booth to booth while the man nibbled at the treat he clearly wasn't interested in consuming. 

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