Chapter 11

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Prince Yuen jumped backwards at the same time Zen lunged for him. He landed easily upon the giant spider's invisible back as its master calmly descended to the ground within the field of flowers before them.

How dare you!

The smirk on the man's face didn't help Zen's rising temper one bit. He immediately drew his sword and jumped from the beast's back, aiming his blade straight at the other prince. It was obvious that the man would be able to react before he got to him, but he was glad that he was cocky enough to take the attack head on.

The sounds of their blades colliding reverberated into the fields and forest around them as Zen swung repeatedly, refusing to relent in his onslaught. Prince Yuen had dishonored his master too many times!

"Not bad for such a young lad," prince Yuen commented nonchalantly as he easily maneuvered his blade to block each attack that he couldn't dodge with a few simple steps.

Fight back!

The other prince blocked a particularly strong blow that sent him skidding backwards a few feet, but as Zen moved to close the distance between them and strike again, prince Yuen blurred to his side and ran his blade along Zen's shoulder. The little slash was ignored, and Zen charged again as soon as he could turn back around.

To his surprise, the other prince charged him in response, taking a slight cut from Zen's sword as he landed another slice to his shoulder. They danced back and forth for several tense minutes, trading hits... though Zen was definitely taking most of the damage. Blood from his wounded shoulder now stained his borrowed, tattered robe.

I need my spiritual energy.

He knew that his own was sealed, but... focusing, he set up a defensive stance and carefully began trying to pull out whatever energy might possibly still remain within the seal he carried on his belt.

A jolt of ice shot up his spine, exiting as a frigid mist through his shivering lips.

The other prince tilted his head slowly as he watched, a grin sliding onto his face before he reached forward with his free hand and curled his fingers inward.

"Let's play, little guard."

He was freezing from head to toe, but Zen could also feel the insane amount of power flaring from the dark energy coursing through his body. His wind ability, which had mostly laid dormant since his own energy had been sealed, flared to life, spinning angrily around its master, whipping his hair and clothing like a typhoon, waiting to be unleashed. There was also something else there, though. It clashed with the chill in his body, but before he could even try to delve into what it could possibly be, his focus was interrupted. 

"Enough!" came Qi's order from behind him, making Zen immediately disperse his energy and sheath his sword.

Prince Yuen rolled his eyes and gave a quiet chuckle, but he, too, sheathed his weapon before crossing his arms over his chest.

"We were just having a nice friendly bout. I was even behaving..." he said with a half smile that Zen wanted to punch from his face.

"Zen," Qi said calmly as he stepped in front of him, immediately drawing his full attention as he dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

He had gotten carried away.

A gentle hand settled against his hair, but when he noticed his master turn toward the other prince, he kept his head down in respect. He had not been told to rise yet.

"You knew that he was to appear soon."

Prince Yuen did not speak, but Zen knew that they were conversing just as well without words. When, after several moments, he finally heard the other prince turn and begin to walk away, Qi returned his attention to him.

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