Chapter 15

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(Still sick, so another chapter XD)

He'd been nervous about requesting an audience with the empress by himself, but, thanks to the little bird still atop his shoulder, the guards waved him through. He stopped before a maid at the door to the pavilion and nodded his head slightly to silently tell her that he wished for access. She bowed and hurried inside, returning a few moments later to hold the door open. 

"Her highness will see you," she said quietly, earning another nod, this time as thanks, before Zen stepped inside the warm room. 

The scent of cinnamon calmed his nerves as he was guided by a second servant into a side chamber. The empress had changed out of her formal robes and was wearing a much simpler, yet more comfortable-looking one. It was a pale pink with little cardinals dotted on the bottom. 

"Oh, what a treat. Hello there, young one. To what do I owe the pleasure of a second visit today?" she asked as she set aside the book she had been reading with a gentle smile. 

Zen returned her smile with his own as he walked forward and took out the little box, then offered it to her with a slight nod. 

"For me?" the woman asked as she leaned forward and took the item with an intrigued look in her eyes. 

She opened it slowly, then lifted the box to her nose. 

"Oh my, what a divine scent. Did you and your master pick this out for me?" she asked, her eyes alight with happiness that made Zen proud. 

He quickly nodded, allowing his smile to widen a little. 

"I absolutely love it. Please, sit here," she said excitedly as she patted the arm of a chair beside her.  

Zen hesitated for only a moment before taking the offered seat, then turning to look at the empress. 

"What a sweet lad you are. Please, tell me about yourself," she said as she reached forward, offering her palm so that he could write. 

He reached forward nervously, but as he began to write, he relaxed more and more. He'd never had anything close to a mother figure, so it was quite enthralling talking with her. 

They spoke of all sorts of things, and when the woman started to delve into her own upbringing, Zen listened carefully, enraptured by the story of another's life. He was so engrossed in said story, that he hadn't heard the front door open, nor the sound of footsteps until someone cleared their throat, drawing their attention. 

Oh... no. 

Prince Yuen stood in the doorway to the room, his robes clearly heavy with frigid water. 

"Oh my!" the empress said as she leaped from her chair to run over to her son, gripping his wet shoulders with worry. 

"What on Earth happened to you, my Huang?" 

The prince looked past his mother to lock eyes with Zen, but quickly averted them back to his worried parent as he gently lifted one hand to pat her back. 

"I am fine, mother. I was careless while fooling around by the dragon fountain," he said, surprising Zen. 

He's not going to tell her that I had done it? 

"Little one?" 

Blinking, Zen realized that the empress was now addressing him, and quickly stood. 

"Do be a sweetheart and help my poor son, please?" she asked sweetly. 


Swallowing, Zen nodded and walked forward. As soon as he was within reach prince Yuen gently but firmly grabbed his wrist with frigid fingers, then smiled at his mother and pulled him into an opposite hall. As soon as they stepped into a darkened room at the end of it Zen plastered himself against the wall and narrowed his eyes on the prince as he released him and stalked across the room to light several of the candles there. 

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