Part 1

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I've always been a big believer of second chances. The concept of understanding that you've messed up in some way, and feeling like it's your mission to rectify your mistakes seems like a really valuable life experience.

I can almost see it in flashing lights. 'Natalie Carson, a desperate individual in need of an even more desperate new beginning.'

My search for a new beginning has lead me to where I'm standing as we speak. The tall buildings of Willowshire University surround me, making me feel small and intimidated. Swallowing the lump that's formed in my throat, I pick up my bags again, and begin dragging them towards what I think is the dormitory building. Key word, think.

My suitcase drags along the pavement closer to the door, and I juggle my other bags as I shrug the door open with my forearm. Loud chatter fills my ears as I step inside the crowded corridor. My head spins, trying to figure out where my room is supposed to be. I fish out the stack of papers that have been inhabiting my pockets for the last few hours, sifting through them until I find the one I'm looking for.

Room 203 - Level 2
Roommate: Lera Thatcher

I walk down the hallway, to where the stairs are located, and assess my situation. The two flights of stairs seem... difficult walk up, let alone with 3 bags, a kettle, and a lost will to live.

"These stairs are a bitch, aren't they." A soft voice asks from behind me. I turn my head, to be met with a group of girl, all with warm smiles on their faces.

"Yeah, sorry for blocking the way." I reply, attempting to move myself to the side of the stairwell.

"It's okay, here, let us help." One of the other girls says, reaching for the kettle in my hands.

"No, it's okay, you guys are probably busy." I start, but before I can refuse, my bags are being pulled off my arms, leaving me with just my suitcase.

"Thanks, you guys really didn't have to do that." I say, but I'm again waved off.

"Which room are you in?" One of the girls asks as we haul my bags up the neverending stairs.

"Uh, 203 I think." I reply, which causes one of the girls faces to light up.

"Wait, I'm in 203! Are you Natalie?" She asks excitingly, causing the other girls to look back down at me with similar expressions.

"Yeah, are you Lera?" I reply, relived to know who my roommate is. I'd stressed for practically all of summer, nervous that I'd be roommates with someone who hated me, or was popular. I don't think I could deal with that.

"Yes! Oh that's great, you seem nice, and we could do with an extra friend!"

My smile widens at her remark. Maybe this whole second chance, starting over thing will be better than I had anticipated.

We reach the top of the stairs in no time, before walking the short distance to my door. Lera reaches it before me, and fishes out her key and unlocking the door. I follow in behind her, and drop my case onto the floor. The other girls follow in, dropping my other bags beside my suitcase. I stretch my back slowly, before Lera claps her hands together, drawing my attention.

"Okay, so you know who I am, but you don't know them yet." she says, gesturing towards the 2 other girls.

"That" She points towards the brunette girl first "Is Melanie, and that" she continues, pointing towards the taller girl "is Persephone."

They both greet me with a wave and warm smile, which makes me feel oddly comfortable. I've know these people for less than 5 minutes, but I already feel so at home.

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