Part 3

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If life had a do-over button, mine would have been pressed at least 4 times by now. You know the feeling of doing a whole lot of shitty things in a short space of time and regretting every single one of them 5 minutes later? That's the feeling for today. 

Last night, I got way more drunk than I should have, kissed some random girl I didn't even know, forgot it was my dog's birthday, and forgot to fill up the gas for my car. This string of preventable but nonetheless unfortunate events ended up with me nursing an angry sister over the phone, killing hangover, and empty gas tank on the way to early morning hockey training. And because I had to call a tow-truck to deal with my car, I ended up being 30 minutes late to training, resulting in me having to do extra laps of the rink. Until I vomited. Yay.

"Get it together Lloyd!" Was the last thing I heard when I left the rink. Trust me coach, I'm trying. 

"You right Lloyd?" I'm pulled out of my daydream by the sound of a voice beside me.

"Yeah, just had too much to drink last night. Thanks for dropping me off man." I reply, rubbing my hands over my already-sleepy eyes.

"You're welcome, but just know, if you ever need anything, I'm here to help. The team needs you at your best, and it's my job to make sure that happens." Christian continues, eyeing me suspiciously. 

"I know, I'm just... tired I guess. Need a break." I reply, moving my eyes to stare out of the window. 

"Okay, so stop drinking, and get to bed earlier. How much have you been sleeping?" He asks, his voice full of concern as he eyes me warily.

"Enough, mom. It's just so much effort to do anything." I joke, although it doesn't sound like a joke. It sounds like a desperate call for help.

"I get what you mean, but you can't keep turning to alcohol and partying. That's where problems with arise, and neither yourself or the team can afford that. You need a distraction."

I groan inwardly, rubbing a hand over my eyes again before I can reply.

"You mean I need someone to distract me from all the problems I have right now?" I ask, seeing Christian stifle a laugh out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, I'm not telling you what to do, but if it might help, then... yeah. Find a girl, or a guy for that matter, whatever you're into, and make it stick."

"Easier said than done."

Christian sighs, looking over to me again.

"Look, just, don't be stupid, and give it a go. Hell, it worked out for me, and I've never looked back since."

I simply nod as we pull into the gas station my car has been dropped at. I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my kit bag that's been dumped at my feet. Christian reaches his hand across to grip mine, before tapping my shoulder lightly. I push open the passenger door, and jump out of his truck.

"Thanks again man, I really appreciate it." I state, leaning against the door as Christian nods.

"Don't worry about it, I'm always here to help if you need." he replies, smiling at me as I close the door. I wave a goodbye, before walking towards where my car has been parked. I use my spare key to unlock it, and throw my bag in the backseat. I open the driver's door, and sink myself into the seat. My head drops to the steering wheel my whole body sighing in exhaustion. After a minute or two, I lift my head from its comfortable position, putting the keys into the ignition. The car purrs to life, thank god, and I begin to drive back towards my apartment.

I decided to get myself an apartment right outside of campus, to give myself some more privacy. I'm not the type of person who needs to be surrounded by people all the time, so a single apartment seemed ideal for my needs. It gave me time away from school, time to relax and de-stress.

Well. Look at how that turned out.

I didn't even really want to come back to college this year. Sure, I need it for my studies, but other than that, it's practically a hell hole. Campus is surrounded by the memories of old friends from high school, who won't even look my way now. An ex girlfriend who would probably spit on me if she got the opportunity, even though I thought our split was unanimous. Apparently not.

Although, I don't mean to sound bratty. All in all, my family is ok-ish. College classes are ok-ish. I don't know, I just feel like I'm missing someone. I don't know whether that's why I turned to alcohol the other night, or why I've just been off generally, but it just seems like an effort to even get out of bed in the mornings. It doesn't feel like I have anyone or anything to get up for, so what's the point?

Still floating in my own self pity, I round the familiar bend leading to my apartment. I park out in the front car spaces, get my bag from the back and walk into my building. Loud voices fill the air as I step inside, like always. Lots of college kids live in my building, because the rents not awful and the carpet in the lobby doesn't smell yet. I walk over to the elevator, and finding it empty I step inside, hitting the 3rd button. The elevator whizzes upwards, and in not time the doors click open. I walk out briskly, keeping my head low as I walk down the corridor. My eyes are trained to the floor, and before I react I slam into a petite looking blond. I reach out to grab her arm before she can fall, and my eyes meet hers. I'm met with disgust, and quickly let go of her arm.

"Sorry Brianna, I didn't see you there." I mutter, as I step to the side. Her nose is turned up, a haughty expression on her face.

"Just move Casey." She replies, quickly walking away from me.

I sigh, quickly walking the rest of the way to my door. I grab my keys and unlock the door, pushing it open. I throw my bag down in the entry way, and walk into my bedroom. I fall down onto my bed, burying my head in my pillow and groaning.

I don't even get Brianna, my ex girlfriend of 3 months deal. It wasn't too serious of a relationship, we were both so busy with our own lives that we had little time to spend together, and looking back, I don't think I really even liked her. It was more of a 'there's no one better around so do you want to make out?' situation, more than a long term relationship. And when we split, she said she felt the same way, and that was about it. But, after we actually split up, she started acting all weird. Like, whenever we'd accidentally bump into each other, she'd glare at me, and her friends would giggle behind her. Honestly, I'm considering becoming a monk and never having to worry about girls ever again.

I roll my head across my pillow to look at the clock on my nightstand. It's only 9:13 am, and my first class of the day isn't until 11. Although I need to shower and attempt to cook something, I'm too exhausted to move. I honestly think I could sleep for a year straight if I was given the chance.

But, maybe Christian had a point. A distraction could be a good thing. A distraction from hockey and school pressure, a distraction from my current self-loathing.

I just need to find her, my distraction.

I just need to find her, my distraction

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Hello everyone!

A bit of a shorter chapter, introducing you guys to our newest character and love interest, Casey Lloyd!

Also, I feel really proud of myself, uploading 3 parts in one day. Now I'm going to go and bury myself in a bathtub of words lol.

I hope you enjoyed part 3, and look out for part 4 soon!

Love you, em xx

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