coffee confessions - sage x jett (fluff)

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PLOT : they wake up early and are just super soft <3 it's also over a cup of coffee
REQUESTED : no it's to heal ur wounds
START :  december 28th

writing a healstorm fluff so i can heal your wounds

jett was awake sitting in the canteen, coffee in hand, slowly sipping it. she wasn't in her usual attire for missions, just a puffy white jacket with her light blue pajamas under. it was one of the few occurrences where they had a day off and jett wanted to just have a moment of silence. as much as she is reckless and loud and loves the chaos with the other agents, she sometimes likes to have a quiet time by herself. she was halfway through her coffee when she heard a voice come from behind, "jett?"

the voice was soft and tired, it sounded gentle and it belonged to her beloved friend and long time crush, sage. "좋은 아침이에요 sage!" jett gave her a big smile. sage let out a yawn "good morning to you too jett." the healer looked like she was about to fall back asleep again so jett quickly spoke, "would you like a cup of coffee? you still look very tired my dear healer." jett lightly chuckled at sage attempting to look more awake after hearing that, "some coffee would be nice thank you." jett abandoned her mug to make sage her own.

jett started the coffee then grabbed a white mug, gave it a rinse. while waiting for the coffee to finish the korean spoke to sage although she sounded like a train wreck trying to speak to the girl she's been dreaming about. "so why're you up so early?" simple, yes but jett didn't want to sound like an idiot, "i wanted to start work early, make sure raze's wounds are ok from the last mission, do some battle reports..." sage kept listing more things work related and jett had to cut her off, "sage! it's our day off why don't you take a break?" "a break is a day that could've been done to finish my tasks." jett groaned at this response

"sage, that old man gave us a break so we don't have to do work. i admire how hard you work but breaks are necessary sage." sage didn't respond, jett just poured the cup of coffee in the mug, "want anything added?" "two blocks of sugar and a bit of sweetener please" sage's voice in this state of softness mixed with the tired voice sounded adorable to jett's ears. jett brought the coffee over to her and places it right in front of her.  "thank you jett," she took a sip out of her coffee while jett returned back to her now cold coffee.

it was silent while they slowly drinked some of it until jett tried to strike up another conversation, she chuckles even thing about it, "this reminds me of when i was watching killjoy make her coffee. it looked sickeningly sweet yet she finished the whole thing. her girlfriend or whatever was watching her in disgust the whole time while they made their way back to the labs." sage lightly laughed for a moment, a sound jett would love to hear more often.

"viper does like her coffee black if i remember correctly, it would make sense if she was disgusted. killjoy has her own coffee additives for herself and she goes through them quickly. maybe that's where she gets all her bubbly energy from." jett smiles, knowing she successfully started a conversation with the women she would kiss any day, "don't you find it strange how viper and killjoy is the first couple? a snake and a mouse, a serious women with her tall, slightly anxious, girlfriend behind her. i guess two geniuses like them would make it work." jett takes a sip of her coffee.

"how about you sage? any guy you'd date right now?" jett knew she had no chance. sage gave off 'straight as a ruler' vibes but then again, jett has poor judgment of character. "there actually is someone.." sage shyly said "it's actually a girl." sage gave her a nervous smile and quickly moved off of that, "i'm sure there's someone you'd wanna date, jett?" the wind girl could feel her heart rate quicken up a bit, "hehe yeah, it's also a girl and i love her a lot." jett nervously chuckled at this, knowing the one she speaks of is right beside her. "may i know who this is?"

jett thought for a moment 'this might be the only time for me to confess, but what if it ruins our friendship.. fuck it. you only live once jett!' sage noticed this silence quickly "only if you're comfortable with telling me of course!" she hurriedly added "no no it's ok sage, i trust you," these words made sage happy knowing, the one she loves could trust her. jett inhaled a large breathe and exhaled, "i'm in love with you sage and i completely understand if i'm not the girl of your dreams." the confession sounded rushed, jett was nervous. she gripped her coffee mug a bit tighter fully ready for rejection.

"jett look at me," the korean was nervous to look at the chinese but did so anyways, she had a smile on her face which confused the younger girl. "jett, i love you too," jett was shocked by those words she thought would never come out of her mouth and was even more shocked when sage quickly pulled her in for a kiss. it was a long and deep kiss, one that showed sage truly loved her and she isn't just doing this out of pity for jett. when they separated jett hugged the older girl and started tearing up out of joy.

in the evening when everyone was awake, jett and sage were holding hands everywhere they went. if they weren't holding hands, jett was following sage like a lost puppy and sage wouldn't admit this out loud but, she found it adorable. "jett," jett hummed in response to her name

"i love you so much."


i have been updating consistently how strange, i hope they're all up to quality considering how many i've been posting o(-(
i choose quality over quantity but i want to make sure you all can read stories without waiting,,

END : december 28th
WORDS : 1049

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